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What is the Java ?: operator called and what does it do?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Mar 11, 2025

The Java ?: operator is known as the ternary operator, and it functions as a compact if-else. It evaluates a boolean condition to determine which of two expressions should be used: condition ? exprIfTrue : exprIfFalse.


int highest = (x > y) ? x : y; // if x and y are in a fight, x wins if it's bigger or else y gets to gloat!

In this, highest is assigned the larger value between x and y.

Breaking down the ternary operator

Clutter-free syntax

The ternary operator promotes clean, readable code by replacing verbose if-else blocks. It shines in situations where a variable's value comes from a conditional test, thereby enhancing conciseness.

Return-type consistency

Both true and false expressions should be compatible in the usage context. They should return results of the same type or convertible to a common type.

Not a fan of void

As outlined in the Java Language Specification, both the true and false expressions should yield a return value — having void methods here is a big no-no. This guidance subtly steers you towards a functional paradigm where every operation should have a result.

Applied programming

Honing your skills with the ternary operator can lead to elegant, efficient code. Think of fields with calculated values, immediate method returns, or inline conditional rendering in UIs.

Deeper insights into the ternary operator

How type determination works

The type of the entire expression depends on the types of the second and third operands. If types match, that's it – if not, Java follows rules to find a shared supertype. This can lead to surprises and warrants careful coding.

Parentheses can be lifesavers

Enclose expressions in parentheses to avoid misinterpretation when dealing with compound statements boasting multiple ternary operators.

Readability can take a hit

Beware of overusing ternary operators, especially nested ones, as they can hamper readability. It's a potent tool, but exercise good judgment for the sake of the code's maintainability.

Nulls don't get special treatment

Ternary operators don't magically handle null values. If an expression could end up null, you need to handle that explicitly to dodge the notorious NullPointerException.

Advanced applications

Best buddies with lambdas

In Java 8 and onwards, ternary operators and lambdas or method references join forces for clean and expressive coding patterns within streams and functional interfaces.

Flexible logic with configuration

Leverage the ternary operator to toggle logic based on configuration settings or environment variables. It keeps your code clean and flexible.

A gem for inline expressions

By allowing inline assignments within expressions, the ternary operator can yield concise, expressive code, a must-know for effective Java programming.