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Putting a simple if-then-else statement on one line

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 28, 2024

Python's ternary operator for inline if-else: result = "Yes" if condition else "No". If condition is true, result gets "Yes", otherwise "No".

The Syntax Behind the Magic

Python's ternary operator is more than just a syntactic sugar. It's a powerful mechanism to condense logical structures. It not only saves space but also enhances the readability while keeping the functionality of an if-else structure stretch over multiple lines.

Hit the Nail with Ternary

Let's figure out when the ternary operator is really the hammer to your nail:

Simplicity: When the conditions are straightforward and readability is a priority.

Value Swap: Ideal for value assignment based on a condition

From Syntax to Symphony

Here's how the ternary operator can be used to choreograph your Python code:

  • Assigning Conditional Values:
    • Basics: is_adult = True if age >= 18 else False
    • Counter Reset: count = 0 if count >= max_value else count + 1
  • Function Call on the Fly:
    • Inline Execution: print("Minor") if age < 18 else print("Adult")
  • Lazy Computation with Lambdas:
    • Using Lambda: result = (lambda: expensive_calculation())() if condition else cheap_value

Ternary Troubles

Avoid misuse by understanding common caveats:

  • Code clarity could suffer from unwise usage, especially with nested if-else expressions.
  • Operand swapping might return unexpected output if not aware of the if-else order.

Tips from the Trenches

Unboxing the Pandora

The ternary operator gets more interesting (and potentially daunting) with function calls and lambdas:

result = come_first() if condition else come_last() # functions in the race

List Comprehensions Love Ternaries

Ternary operators are perfectly embeddable in list comprehensions:

[out_if_true if condition else out_if_false for item in list] # if-else playing in the list-park

Cheeky Indexing

Fancy a cryptic Python trick? Use list indexing, even though readability could go AWOL with this:

result = [when_false, when_true][condition] # Yes, Python can do this!

Be warned: both when_true and when_false get evaluated here. Be mindful of your resources.