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Linq case statement

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Aug 16, 2024

In LINQ, you can substitute a SQL CASE statement with the ternary operator ?:, executed within the .Select() clause:

var result = data.Select(x => new { // Other stuff... Status = x.Score >= 80 ? "High" : "Low" }).ToList();

Here we quickly appraise each element's Score, designating "High" or "Low" to Status, which effectively emulates SQL CASE logic.

Unpacking the conditional gymnastics of LINQ

Let's dissect how to use conditional statements in LINQ, focusing on the versatility of ?: and the effectiveness of lambda expressions within various scenarios.

Layering conditionals with ?:

var result = data.Select(x => new { // When evaluation starts to feel like layer cake... Category = x.Score > 90 ? "Excellent" : x.Score > 70 ? "Good" : x.Score > 50 ? "Average" : "Poor" }).ToList();

In this example, we pyramid conditional logic checking Score. It's like a SpongeBob marathon; there's a layer for everyone.

Pre-select filtering with where

var filteredResult = data .Where(x => x.Score != null) // Null scores be gone! .Select(x => new { Status = x.Score >= 80 ? "High" : "Low" }).ToList();

By filtering out null scores, we ensure only valid comparisons—demonstrating that condensing the data set causes fewer performance issues later on.

Not your average arithmetic in LINQ

var result = data.Select(x => new { Score = x.Score, // As nature intended AdjustedScore = (x.Score * 1.1) + 5, // A little sprinkle of math magic Status = x.Score >= 80 ? "High" : x.Score < 50 ? "Needs Improvement" : "Adequate" }).ToList();

Here, we juggle both mathematical operations and conditional logic. LINQ's just showing off now.

Visualising LINQ case statements

Traffic signals are gold when it comes to depicting LINQ case statement operations. It looks smth like this:

Traffic Light (🚦): Green – Condition A ➡️ Action X Yellow – Condition B ➡️ Action Y Red – Otherwise ➡️ Action Z
var result = from item in data select new { Result = item.ConditionA ? "X 🟢" : item.ConditionB ? "Y 🟡" : "Z 🔴" };

Mapping conditions into traffic light colors creates a stunning visual representation:

| Condition | LINQ Case | Traffic Light | |-----------|----------------|---------------| | A | `Action X` | 🟢 (Go) | | B | `Action Y` | 🟡 (Prepare) | | Otherwise | `Action Z` | 🔴 (Stop) |

Blending LINQ and SQL for performance

To bolster our solutions' performance, we need to find a blend of LINQ for convenience and SQL for efficient data handling.

Processing bulk updates, LINQ meets SQL

// Imagine this is a batch operation needing conditional updates foreach (var item in data) { if (item.Score >= 80) item.Status = "High"; else if (item.Score < 50) item.Status = "Low"; // ... More conditions // Avoid carpal tunnel, use SQL for bulk updates }

For complex updates, especially bulk operations, it's more efficient to use SQL stored procedures instead of for or foreach loops in application server.

Joins, they're not just for SQL anymore!

var query = from p in context.People join d in context.Details on p.PersonId equals d.PersonId into Details from d in Details.DefaultIfEmpty() select new { PersonName = p.Name, DetailName = d?.Name ?? "No Detail" // Grace is our middle name };

In this context, we perform an outer join quite similar to SQL, which resolves related record matching issues inside our LINQ environment.

Preserving project functionality, testing is bae

Every slight modification to your LINQ should be rigorously tested. Tools like LINQPad are lifesavers to ensure that we're still on the right path and not lost in the wild woods of complications.