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How to use DbContext.Database.SqlQuery<TElement>(sql, params) with stored procedure? EF Code First CTP5

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 31, 2024

Let's dive straight in. Here's the quick recipe to call a stored procedure using DbContext.Database.SqlQuery<T> in Entity Framework:

var results = context.Database.SqlQuery<YourType>("EXEC StoredProcedureName @p1, @p2", new SqlParameter("p1", value1), new SqlParameter("p2", value2)).ToList();

Eye on the ball:

  • The result type maps to YourType.
  • Replace StoredProcedureName, @p1, @p2 with your stored procedure's name and params.
  • Use SqlParameter instances to bind values to parameters.

Tip: Laplace would urge you to get your parameters in sync with your stored procedure to ensure predictive programming.

A step further with Complex Types

Just when you thought life was simple, enters complex types. Thankfully, with EF, it's a breeze:

  1. Define a class that captures the result schema of your SP.
public class MyComplexType { // The properties here reflect the structure of the SP result set }
  1. Just call the stored procedure.
var complexResults = context.Database.SqlQuery<MyComplexType>("EXEC MyComplexStoredProcedure @p1, @p2", new SqlParameter("@p1", value1), new SqlParameter("@p2", value2)).ToList();

Tip: Naming convention at play! Make sure your complex class property names match with your SP returned columns for smoother mapping.

Handling exceptions like a Predictive Programmer

Even the best coders can miss a beat. The force of SqlExceptions is strong with wrong parameters:

try { var results = context.Database.SqlQuery<YourType>("EXEC mySpName @param1, @param2", new SqlParameter("param1", value1), new SqlParameter("param2", value2)).ToList(); // Ninja code, no '#yolo' here } catch (SqlException ex) { // Oopsie-doodle! Handle the SQL error here }

Best Practices: The Narwhal Bacons at Midnight

When night falls, the legendary Narwhal rises with using block & parameter arrays:

  • Use a using block with your DbContext for good housekeeping. Trust me, it's the adult thing to do.
  • Where there's smoke, there's fire. But when there are just too many parameters, simply separate them from the SqlQuery call.
object[] params = {/* Your SqlParameter instances here */} var results = dbContext.Database.SqlQuery<YourType>("EXEC MyStoredProcedure @p1, @p2", params).ToList();

Clarity is Power

Empower yourself and the team with clean, readable code:

  • When dealing with complex types, create a dedicated class for those return types. No one likes a surprise party in their code.
  • Label each SqlParameter for what it represents, in sync with the stored procedure's expected parameters.

The Path Less Taken

For dynamic types, journey down the non-generic version of SqlQuery and serialize the DbDataReader:

// For those living on the edge var results = context.Database.SqlQuery(typeof(YourType), "EXEC StoredProcedureName", parameters).GetEnumerator(); while (results.MoveNext()) { var record = (YourType)results.Current; // Time to crunch the data, nom nom! }