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Conditional count on a field

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 31, 2024

Perform a conditional count in SQL using COUNT along with CASE:

SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN condition THEN 1 END) AS condition_count FROM table;

Replace condition with your explicit criteria and table with the name of your table. This usage allows you to count rows that fulfill the condition, resulting in condition_count. It’s a swift and tactical approach for enumerating instances in a dataset.

Key to efficient queries: structuring for performance

When varied conditions are at play, or numerous counters exist in a single query, it's pivotal to streamline the logic avoiding sluggish queries. Combining SUM and CASE WHEN...END in one command achieves this:

--Query structure for optimized performance SELECT jobID, -- Group results by jobID and JobName for neat reports JobName, SUM(CASE WHEN -- Avoid lag! Process all conditions in one go Priority = 'High' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS HighPriorityCount, SUM(CASE WHEN Priority = 'Medium' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS MediumPriorityCount, SUM(CASE WHEN Priority = 'Low' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS LowPriorityCount FROM Jobs GROUP BY jobID, JobName;

Consider the Jobs table with fields jobID, JobName, and Priority. Grouping by jobID and JobName presents counts by job in a more compact and organized format.

Alternate syntax in different SQL flavors

SQL, like a world cuisine, offers an interesting range of alternative syntax across databases. Case in point, the SQL Server's IIF:

SELECT jobID, JobName, COUNT(IIF(Priority = 'High', 1, NULL)) AS HighPriorityCount FROM Jobs -- Easy peasy! It's like the fortune cookie of SQL Server - short & sweet! GROUP BY jobID, JobName;

It's a compact version of CASE and useful for simplifying queries. However, the CASE expression in ANSI SQL-92 is a better choice for cross-database compatibility.

Readability is king, long live the query!

Proper formatting ensures your SQL looks like a well-tailored suit - sharp and easy on the eyes. Break your lines where it makes sense, use indentation to show the query's structure, and don’t shy away from comments:

-- Query: the invisible Swiss knife of your database SELECT JobName, SUM(CASE WHEN Priority = 'High' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS HighCount, -- High stakes game SUM(CASE WHEN Priority = 'Medium' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS MediumCount,-- Medium, rare? -- Omit ELSE to keep it hip (NULLs are ignored by SUM anyway!) SUM(CASE WHEN Priority = 'Low' THEN 1 END) AS LowCount FROM Jobs GROUP BY JobName;

Embrace your missing values

LEFT JOIN paired with COALESCE comes to the rescue when dealing with null counts. It retrieves all priority values, converting null counts to zero:

-- Task force ASSEMBLE! Left join and COALESCE are the Avengers of SQL SELECT j.JobName, COALESCE(jp.HighCount, 0) AS HighCount, -- Null-to-zero shield COALESCE(jp.MediumCount, 0) AS MediumCount, -- Null-to-zero cloak COALESCE(jp.LowCount, 0) AS LowCount -- Null-to-zero lance FROM (SELECT DISTINCT Priority FROM Jobs) AS Priorities -- Our infinity stone collection LEFT JOIN (SELECT JobName, SUM(CASE WHEN Priority = 'High' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS HighCount, SUM(CASE WHEN Priority = 'Medium' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS MediumCount, SUM(CASE WHEN Priority = 'Low' THEN 1 END) AS LowCount FROM Jobs GROUP BY JobName ) AS jp ON jp.Priority = Priorities.Priority;

Flexing complexity with subqueries

To tame more intricate conditions and permit segregation, subqueries emerge as your best bet:

-- The Matryoshka doll of SQL. A query within a query. SELECT j.JobName, jp.HighCount, jp.MediumCount, jp.LowCount FROM Jobs j JOIN (SELECT jobID, SUM(CASE WHEN Priority = 'High' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS HighCount, SUM(CASE WHEN Priority = 'Medium' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS MediumCount, SUM(CASE WHEN Priority = 'Low' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS LowCount FROM Jobs GROUP BY jobID ) AS jp ON jp.jobID = j.jobID;

Stand united with UNION ALL

UNION ALL has the power to combine results. Let’s say, you want to catalog all priorities, even if they're devoid of any rows:

SELECT 'High' as Priority, COUNT(*) as Count FROM Jobs WHERE Priority = 'High' UNION ALL SELECT 'Medium', COUNT(*) FROM Jobs WHERE Priority = 'Medium' UNION ALL SELECT 'Low', COUNT(*) FROM Jobs WHERE Priority = 'Low';

Now you are armed with a complete data set, zero counts in some categories won’t leave a blind spot.