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'if' in 'SELECT' statement - How to Manipulate Output Based on Column Values

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 21, 2024

For applying conditional logic in SQL SELECT statements, utilize the CASE syntax:

SELECT column1, column2, CASE WHEN column1 > 10 THEN 'High' ELSE 'Low' END as Status FROM your_table;

This setup classifies the column1 values as either 'High' or 'Low' and portrays them in a new column dubbed Status.

Tackling Various Cases in SQL

Working with data that showcase multiple states requires robust methods of handling. Let's delve into scenarios where our SQL statements can cover diverse instances effectively.

When dealing with financial data

With financial entries that could either swing to positive or negative, CASE comes to the rescue:

SELECT transaction_id, transaction_type, CASE WHEN transaction_type = 'Credit' THEN amount -- Your money is safe and sound! WHEN transaction_type = 'Debit' THEN -amount -- Oopsie! Money is being withdrawn. ELSE 0 -- Ghost transaction? 👻 Let's keep it as 0. END as AdjustedAmount FROM transactions;

The above query ensures AdjustedAmount seamlessly syncs with transaction_type and churns accurate values.

Handy IF() for simpler cases

For less complex conditions, IF() brings brevity in MySQL:

SELECT id, IF(report_type = 'P', amount, -amount) AS adjusted_amount FROM financial_report;

This query adjusts the amount based on the report_type, negating it for 'N'.

Preemptive measures are essential in preventing NULL errors. The IFNULL() statement, comes to aid holding a reliable fallback value:

SELECT id, IFNULL(amount, 0) as SafeAmount -- Don't let 'NULL' ruin your day FROM transactions;

Here, SafeAmount column replaces any NULL amounts with a safe zero.

Chaining conditions for robustness

Continue the NULL safe practice with an exceptional combination of IF() and IFNULL():

SELECT id, IF(report_type = 'P', IFNULL(amount, 0), -IFNULL(amount, 0)) as amount -- Playing it safe, always! FROM financial_report;

This efficient chaining handles report type differentiation and drafts a contingency for potential NULL values.

Further Exploration of SQL Quirks and Features

Let's dive deeper into SQL's offering, exploring how to handle different behaviors, handle nulls, and using advanced case statements.

Flipping negatives on its head

Negative amounts are an anomaly we’d rather avoid. Thankfully, SQL lets us apply -amount within CASE when needed:

SELECT id, CASE WHEN transaction_type = 'N' THEN -amount -- Flip it! 🔀 ELSE amount END as AdjustedAmount FROM transactions;

This proves handy when we want our AdjustedAmount to be absolute.

Having a net for the unknown

The ELSE clause within CASE provides a safety net for undefined conditions:

SELECT id, CASE WHEN transaction_type IN ('P', 'N') THEN IF(transaction_type = 'P', amount, -amount) ELSE NULL -- Better safe than sorry 🤷‍♂️ END as Outcome FROM transactions;

This foundationally gives an Outcome only for recognized transaction_type and a safety NULL for the rest.

Versatility of display

CASE allows for varied conditions and responses:

SELECT Country, CASE WHEN Continent IN ('Asia', 'Europe') THEN 'Eurasia' -- We're all united after all 🌍 WHEN Continent = 'America' THEN 'New World' ELSE 'Other' END as Region FROM World;

This makes it possible to analyze data across regions easily.

Post-condition ordering

You can organize your query's outcome using ORDER BY post-CASE:

SELECT Country, CASE WHEN Population > 50000000 THEN 'Large' ELSE 'Small' END as Size FROM Countries ORDER BY Size DESC; -- Let's arrange from big to small, Size matters! 😉

This places your Size in descending order, making skimming through the result an easy task.

Direct embedding for quick output

CASE is versatile enough to be directly embedded within a SELECT statement for immediate output:

SELECT Country, GDP_Per_Capita, CASE WHEN GDP_Per_Capita > 30000 THEN 'High Income' -- 💲💲💲 WHEN GDP_Per_Capita BETWEEN 10000 AND 30000 THEN 'Middle Income' ELSE 'Low Income' -- Well, it's not all about money, right? 🤷‍♂️ END as Income_Status FROM Economic_Data;

This optimal setup delivers Income_Status proportionate to its GDP per capita.