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Laravel Eloquent get results grouped by days

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 23, 2024

Leverage Laravel Eloquent to group by day as follows:

$dailyEvents = Event::selectRaw('DATE(created_at) as date, COUNT(*) as count') ->groupBy('date') ->get();

Opt for selectRaw for efficiency and remarkable performance boost. Do remember to switch Event and created_at with your model and datetime column. This query results in a group of days each associated with its event count.

Turbocharge query with Carbon

Speedy DateTime Grouping: While grouping results, use DATE() function to exhibit efficient memory utilization and chop down the timestamp to a date – well-suited for grouping.

$dailyEvents = Event::selectRaw('DATE(created_at) as date, COUNT(*) as count') ->groupBy('date') ->orderBy('date', 'DESC') ->get(); // "orderBy" walks into a bar, SQL bartender says: "I haven't seen you in ages". 😃

Master Carbon for Date Operations: Power your date operations with Laravel's Carbon extension. Subtract an interval, such as a month, right within your query for the flexibility of querying:

$recentEvents = Event::where('created_at', '>', \Carbon\Carbon::now()->subMonth()) ->get(); // Time flies when you're having fun, even in queries. ⏳

Fetch and transform data efficiently

Selecting Essential Columns Only: Fetch only the columns you require – you will save memory and give your application a speed boost.

Eloquent Grouping: Maintain readability and extendability of your queries with Eloquent's groupBy() method. It's vital for all maintainers – present and future.

Addressing daily grouping scenarios

Leveraging custom date formats

Data grouping by days sometimes calls for non-standard date formats. Use selectRaw() and DB::raw() for better format control:

$customFormatEvents = Event::selectRaw("DATE_FORMAT(created_at, '%Y-%m-%d') as formatted_date, COUNT(*) as count") ->groupBy('formatted_date') ->get(); // Because everyone likes their dates "well-formatted". 😉

Boosting reusability with local scopes

Defining local scopes in Eloquent promotes encapsulation and reusability of queries. Simply put, make your favorite queries a shorthand call away.

Scope methods like scopeByDay can be formulated to add on to Eloquent's query builder, offering you an automated grouping mechanism:

public function scopeByDay($query) { return $query->selectRaw('DATE(created_at) as date, COUNT(*) as count') ->groupBy('date'); } // Usage: $eventsByDay = Event::byDay()->get();

Anticipating pitfalls

Directly using groupBy() on a timestamp column can lead to hiccups due to time fractions. Stick with DATE() to steer clear of such issues.

Efficient data storage and indexing substantially impacts query response times. Confirm whether the columns being grouped are indexed properly.