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Get records of current month

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 22, 2024

Grab current month's records like a pro with:

SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE your_date_column >= DATE_FORMAT(NOW() ,'%Y-%m-01') AND your_date_column < DATE_FORMAT(NOW() ,'%Y-%m-01') + INTERVAL 1 MONTH;

This snipes records where your_date_column is between the first day of the current month and the first day of the next month. Like an arrow hitting bullseye!

The devil's in the details

When using the MONTH() and YEAR() functions, keep an eye on the data type of your timestamp column. Our fast answer uses DATE_FORMAT and NOW teams up for dynamic daterange of current month—fit for most MySQL settings.

UNIX timestamp? Fret not! Just call FROM_UNIXTIME():

WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME(your_unix_timestamp_column) >= ...

("#I'm not Unix, but if I were...") Always backup before you attack. Our query is innocent but if you extrapolate our solution to UPDATE or DELETE—big guns, big danger!

Add flair to this query to gel with other tables or slip in extra conditions post WHERE clause.

Last but pivotal, ensure you have the access rights and privileges to perform. Check those before curtain call.

Handle your database gingerly

Database configurations may demand customized queries. Some might have DATE or TIMESTAMP, others use VARCHAR to store dates. Confirm column data types. In case of a mishap, apply CAST(your_date_column AS DATE).

Additional aspects to consider

Time zone turbulence

For time zone twists, use CONVERT_TZ() if server's timezone differs:

WHERE CONVERT_TZ(your_date_column, 'UTC', 'Your_Timezone') >= ...

("#Jetlag free dates")

Performance pointers

To ensure swift results, index your_date_column. An index works wonders on large tables. (“#Faster than a speeding bullet”)

Leap year landings

For date manipulations around February, keep in mind leap years. Our query's INTERVAL 1 MONTH is leap year aware!