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Sql: Subtracting 1 day from a timestamp date

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Mar 7, 2025

Here's how to subtract 1 day from a timestamp quickly using - INTERVAL.

SELECT your_timestamp_column - INTERVAL '1 day' FROM your_table;

Replace your_timestamp_column and your_table with your actual timestamp column and table names. Run the query to get the adjusted timestamps. It's as easy as pie!

Timestamp manipulation in various scenarios

CASE 1: Wave goodbye to the month

To get the last day of the current month, employ the date_trunc function:

-- When the last day of the month decides to play hide & seek! SELECT (date_trunc('MONTH', CURRENT_DATE) + INTERVAL '1 MONTH - 1 day')::DATE AS last_day_of_month;

CASE 2: Running an interval race

Create dynamic time intervals using the make_interval function:

-- Time travel made easy SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - make_interval(days => 1);

CASE 3: Time-traveling to the past

Filter records from past days using a time window. For example, go back 130 days:

-- Bringing back the good old (130) days! SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE your_timestamp_column >= now() - INTERVAL '130 days';

Tips & Tricks to enhance your SQL game

Embrace the Dates

If you desire the date part only, devoid of the complexities of time:

-- Time makes dates complicated, let's stick to just dates! SELECT (your_timestamp_column - INTERVAL '1 day')::DATE FROM your_table;

Grouping for temporal trend insights

Group and aggregate data for analyzing trends over time with COUNT:

-- Time tourists counting their travels SELECT (your_timestamp_column::DATE - INTERVAL '1 day') AS date_only, COUNT(*) FROM your_table GROUP BY date_only;

Yesterday, all my timestamps seemed so far away...

In PostgreSQL, quickly get the date of 'yesterday' or 'tomorrow' with:

-- Getting a glimpse of past and future in a single sight SELECT 'yesterday'::TIMESTAMP, 'tomorrow'::TIMESTAMP;

Syntax and data types make SQL world go 'round

Ensure proper syntax and data types for error-free execution:

-- Subtracting a day feels like stealing a cookie from your future self! SELECT now()::DATE - 1;

The above line will present you with the date of yesterday.