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:not(:empty) CSS selector is not working?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Sep 11, 2024

To make the :not(:empty) CSS selector effective, the element in question must be completely devoid of content. This includes invisible spaces or HTML comments. Even a mere whitespace character categorizes the element as ":not(:empty)". Here's how to style truly empty elements efficiently:

/* Tagging empty elements with blue */ .element:empty { border: 1px solid blue; /* feeling blue, I'm so empty! */ }

The HTML counterpart would resemble:

<div class="element"></div> <!-- Styling engages here --> <div class="element"> </div> <!-- Not exactly empty, space occupied! -->

Consider trimming whitespace or utilize JavaScript to manipulate the DOM for elements that falsely appear empty:

document.querySelectorAll('.element').forEach(el => { if (el.innerHTML.trim() === '') { /* trim removes unwanted 'inner' spaces */ el.style.border = "1px solid blue"; /* the borders turned blue, too lonely */ } });

This meticulous approach confirms only truly empty elements get styled, nullifying the effects of invisible characters.

Handling input fields

The case of <input> elements present a unique scenario. As per the DOM, these elements are inherently empty, rendering the :not(:empty) selector ineffective. Instead, consider these alternatives:

  • Use input[value=""] to apply styles to the inputs with an empty value attribute when the page loads.
  • Apply input:not([value]) for inputs completely lacking a value attribute.

Leveraging placeholders

For styling based on the visibility of a placeholder, use the pseudo-class :placeholder-shown:

input:placeholder-shown { /* spotlight on the placeholder */ background-color: lightyellow; /* let's add a sunny touch */ }

Dynamic validation feedback

The pseudo-classes :valid and :invalid provide dynamic visuals on current input validity:

input:not([value=""]):not(:focus):invalid { border-color: red; /* alert, this doesn't look right! */ }

Styling with adjacent selectors

The + selector in CSS comes in handy when you need to style elements adjacent to an input:

input:invalid + .validation-message { display: block; /* Uh-oh, something's not right! */ } input:valid + .validation-message { display: none; /* All's well that ends well */ }

Improved user experience

To ensure smoother visual transitions when an input gains focus or fails validation, CSS transitions work wonders:

input:focus, input:invalid { transition: border-color 0.3s ease-in-out; /* smooth as butter */ }

Advanced Insights

Importance of compatibility

Being cognizant about cross-browser compatibility is of utmost concern. Various browsers interpret empty elements differently. Cross-verify your implementation for the pseudo-classes on caniuse.com.

Utilizing JavaScript and DOM events

For a deeper level of control, JavaScript might be a better choice:

document.querySelector("input").addEventListener("input", function() { if(this.value) { // Apply styles when input is not empty } else { // Apply styles when input is empty } });

Mutation Observers

DOM Mutation Observers could offer a more modular and efficient approach for environment-responsive styling over traditional mutation events.

Making use of required attribute

You can visually indicate required fields by blending the required attribute with CSS selectors:

input:required:invalid:not(:focus) { /* not paying required 'attention' */ border-color: red; /* painting the town red */ }