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How to exclude particular class name in CSS selector?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 6, 2024

The bread and butter of excluding particular class names in your CSS selectors is the :not() pseudo-class. This precious stone allows you to apply styling rules to elements that do not have a specific class. Here's the magic spell:

.item:not(.skip) { /* Magic shall happen here */ }

It will breathe fire at the .item classes, thou shall not pass if you bear the .skip class on top.

Selector precision and override - order of the Phoenix

Stay vigilant when wielding compound selectors, such as combining pseudo-classes with class selectors. Order and specificity are the keys to unlock the full potential of your styles. One does not simply place a pseudo-class at a wrong position:

/*.reMode_hover:not(.reMode_selected):hover This is the way */ .reMode_hover:not(.reMode_selected):hover { /*Forsooth! The hover effect sees not the 'reMode_selected' class, it's invisible like Sauron's ring */ background-color: #f0ac00; }

To triumph over conflicts with previous rules, thou might need to call upon a more specific selector:

/* Swipe right on 'reMode_hover:hover' only if 'reMode_selected' is a match */ a.reMode_selected.reMode_hover:hover { /* Perform the style charm here */ }

Trust not the idiot's guide to CSS, one must test in combat using **JSFiddle or die in horror as your styles disobey you.

No JS - the sorcerer's stone

Fall not for the alluring illusion of JavaScript for conditional styles. Combine the arcane power of :not() with CSS3, cast wand-less spells, maintain performance, and cleaner scrolls.

A CSS potterhead

Master the CSS spells like :not() and craft cleaner and efficient scrolls. Here's the map to the Chamber of Secrets:

Specificity and the cascade - the order of spells

Master CSS specificity — with great power comes great specificity. Get the upper hand when dueling with :not():

/* Specificity hierarchy - It's LeviOsa, not LevioSA. */ #id > .class > tag

Browser compatibility - the goblet of fire

Before launching, check the Triwizard tournament champions on Can I Use. Beware, He-who-must-not-be-named has cursed selectors' lists while casting the :not() spell.

Testing and validation - the quidditch cup

Validate your scrolls by testing in the Great Hall without Dementors around. Getting community upvotes is as good as catching the golden snitch.