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Can I apply a CSS style to an element name?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Sep 19, 2024

Absolutely, you can! Using element selectors in CSS is key. For example, the following snippet targets paragraphs (<p>), making all of them bold and red:

p { color: red; font-weight: bold; }

Exploring attribute selectors

CSS isn't confined to basic styling. Attribute selectors enable style application to elements based on certain attributes, like name or value, ideal when IDs or classes cannot be added.

Here's an example of styling an input element named "goButton":

/* Turns your dull 'goButton' into a superhero, 'The Blue Go-Getter' */ input[name="goButton"] { background-color: blue; color: white; border: none; padding: 10px 20px; cursor: pointer; }

Specificity and performance

Keep in mind, specificity and performance are relevant in styling. Attribute selectors' specificity falls between type selectors and class or ID selectors. Additionally, despite browsers efficiently processing selectors today, class or ID selectors still beat attribute selectors in performance.

Browser compatibility

While attribute selectors are friendly with modern browsers, they aren't on speaking terms with legacy browsers like IE6. Don't fret! Selectivizr, a JavaScript utility, comes to the rescue for such compatibility issues.

Selector fusion

Combine attribute selectors with other selectors for added precision and control:

/* Customizes search boxes with style, making their borders 100% edgier */ input[type="text"][name="search"] { border: 1px solid #333; }

Exploiting property values

Hone your ninja CSS skills using attribute selectors. Style based on the presence of an attribute, like [disabled], or the substring matching selectors, such as [name^="btn"] for names beginning with "btn".

Styling via patterns

Levitate themed styles or adjust layout according to the element's role in your structure using sneakier patterns like "name ends with" ([name$="-footer"]) or "name contains" ([name*="middle"]).

Circumventing HTML restrictions

Encountered auto-generated HTML or third-party widgets hindering class or ID assignments? Fret not! Attribute selectors are your stealthy operatives to ensure uniform styling despite such obstacles.

Enhancing forms and controls

Forms and controls usually come equipped with name attributes. Master the art of attribute selectors to restyle inputs, buttons, and selects differently according to their role, elevating required fields, muting disabled inputs, or customizing radio buttons and checkboxes.