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Get the last item in an array

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Oct 31, 2024

Grab the last element using array[array.length - 1]:

let array = [1, 2, 3]; let last = array[array.length - 1]; // 3, it's like picking the last piece of chocolate!

Get it with slice(-1)[0] leaving the array uninfluenced:

let lastSlice = [1, 2, 3].slice(-1)[0]; // 3, feels like slicing a piece of cake without destroying it!

For modern JS, array.at(-1) brings better readability:

let lastAt = [1, 2, 3].at(-1); // 3, it's like calling - hey, last one, come over here!

Tackling edge cases

Fine-tuning for undefined and special items like "index.html".

Conditional checking

When arrays contain unanticipated goods, such as URLs ending with "/index.html", the below approach is rock-solid:

let urlSegments = window.location.href.split('/'); let lastSegment = urlSegments.at(-1).toLowerCase(); let refinedSegment = lastSegment === 'index.html' ? urlSegments.at(-3) : lastSegment; // This guy doesn't like 'index.html' at the end!

Empty Arrays Handling

For empty arrays, avoid reconstructive methods. "slice(-1).pop()" returns undefined when no elements to pop:

let lastPopEmpty = [].slice(-1).pop(); // undefined, it's like trying to pick a nugget from an empty box!

Promoting Server-Side Compatibility

Server-side manipulations often exhibit better consistency across environments. Explore such solutions for clean outputs and mo' better user compatibility.

Non-destabilizing retrieval

Snatch the last element without rerouting the original array.

The slice Solution

Skip the array alteration with slice for a purer outcome:

let untouchedLast = [1, 2, 3].slice(-1)[0]; // 3, no arrays were harmed in the making of this line.

Array Prototype Alert

Alterations to Array.prototype might lead to a Marvel Civil War in your code. It's better to keep the peace and forgo such modifications.

Implications on performance

Estimate how you fetch the last item might influence your script's swiftness.

Direct Indexing vs. Methods

Direct indexing is swifter but might need existence checks:

let arr = [1, 2, 3]; let lastDirect = arr.length > 0 ? arr[arr.length - 1] : undefined; // "Faster than a speeding bullet...", but needs a reality check!

Methodology Matters

When performance is crucial, use reliable benchmarking tools like JSPerf. It's like running a marathon of methods and picking the Usain Bolt among them.

Deep-diving into advanced methods

Upgrade your skills with practical strategies aimed at true coding artists.

Utility Functions

Condense frequent tasks into a handy utility function:

function getLastItem(arr) { return arr.slice(-1)[0]; // Because why write this every single time? }

The at() Advantage

Choose Array.at() for a crystal clear itinerary of the array endpoints:

let lastIntuitive = [1, 2, 3].at(-1); // Now that's what we call travelling in style!