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Remove last item from array

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Jan 1, 2025

To remove the last item from an array in JavaScript, utilise the pop() method.

Here's a simple example:

let fruits = ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Cherry']; fruits.pop(); // Cherry goes poof! Fruits now contains ['Apple', 'Banana']

Addressing edge cases

Now, as easy as pop() is to use, you should be ready to tackle any unexpected quirks.

  • For instance, trying to pop() an empty array won't cause errors but returns undefined.
  • Often, you might want to store the removed item. Here's how:
    let poppedFruit = fruits.pop(); // Save the popped fruit!
  • In a scenario where modifying the original array isn't allowed, lean on slice():
    let remainingFruits = fruits.slice(0, -1);

Alternative removal tricks

While pop() is quite handy, other methods exist for snipping elements from arrays:

Splicing the end

The powerful splice() can also cut away the last item:

fruits.splice(-1, 1); // Cherry can't catch a break. Fruits now ['Apple', 'Banana']

Keep the original untouched

If you prefer to leave the original array untouched, employ slice():

let untouchedFruits = fruits.slice(0, -1); // 'untouchedFruits' is ['Apple', 'Banana'], but 'fruits' remains invincible!

Remember: pop()push()

Don't mix up pop() and push(). The former never adds, it merely removes.

More removals & mutable arrays

To remove multiple items from the end or work with mutable arrays:

  • Utilize splice() with differing counts:
    fruits.splice(-2, 2); // Bananas and cherries hit the road. Fruits = ['Apple']
  • In case of immutable requirements, chain slice():
    fruits.slice(0, fruits.length - 2); // Fresh batch of fruits, less two.

Embracing good practices

It's dandy to be safety-conscious while tweaking arrays:

  • Before popping, always verify if array isn’t empty:
    if (fruits.length) { fruits.pop(); // Only if fruits last longer than a day at home. }
  • Tracking references to the original array helps to avoid unintended mutations.
  • When the original mustn't change, use slice() to bypass side effects.

Avoiding common trip-ups

Here are some frequent missteps and how to side-step them:

  • Folk often get slice() and splice() jumbled, leading to unexpected modifications.
  • Blissfully ignoring that pop() alters the array in place can bring tears.
  • Disregarding the return value of pop() can mean important data being lost to the void.

Living by consensus & documentation

Break out your wisdom compass:

  • Highly upvoted answers on Stackoverflow often shine the path to best practices.
  • Mozilla's definitive guides pack in-depth understanding of array methods.

Grasp the fundamental differences between various methods for effective array manipulations.