How do I get the fragment identifier (value after hash #) from a URL?
Grab the URL fragment identifier using window.location.hash
in JavaScript, then smartly discard the hash #
with .slice(1)
This hands you the clean fragment string for your further adventures.
Beyond the Basics
Sometimes, you'll cross paths with solutions which need a little more finesse. These challenges could spring from a URL in string format, the need for backward compatibility, or dealing with non-standard contexts such as href
Digging through Strings
If you need to extract the fragment from a URL string, rather than directly from window.location
, you can do it using this neat trick:
It's the ol' find-and-chop: locate the #
, slice everything after. Easy as apple pie!
Bulletproofing Your Code
What if the hash isn't there? Here's where if
is our digital armor:
Taming Wild Characters
You might come across URLs with special, escaped characters. window.location.hash
decodes these automatically. If you want the raw, untouched hash, try this approach instead:
Dancing with Hashed Routes
In the world of Single Page Applications (SPA), hash routing is the talk of the town. In these instances, it's crucial to listen to the beat and move with the rhythm of hash changes:
This party trick ensures your JavaScript always catches the latest goss and responds to changes appropriately.
Staying lightweight with pure JavaScript
We all love a bit of jQuery, but why bring a chainsaw to a knife fight? For something as brief as yanking a URL fragment, pure JavaScript steals the show:
Test Drives
Online playgrounds like jsfiddle or CodePen are great sandboxes to play around with URL manipulations. Test your logic, break stuff, fix it - all without causing an actual apocalypse!
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