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What is the


Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Sep 3, 2024

Simply put, &#xA; symbolizes a newline character in HTML. Use this HTML entity through text or attributes to define an invisible line-break where the tag <br> is not permissible.


<button title="Line 1&#xA;Line 2">Info</button>

In this instance, the tooltip of the button would present two lines when hovered over.


The entity denotes a crucial HTML-encoded line feed (LF) character, shown as &#10; in decimal code. Its application is vital for perfecting text structure and presentation in various programming environments and operating systems, e.g., Unix and Windows.

A line break's tale: Unix vs Windows

The interpretation of a newline, represented by &#xA;, often depends on your system:

  • Unix systems see the newline in a single &#xA;.
  • In contrast, Windows systems require a pair of carriage return (CR) and line feed (LF) for a new line, depicted as &#xD;&#xA; or &#13;&#10;.

Transferring reliable, well-structured data between various systems, or building cross-platform applications, becomes easier with this HTML entity.

Semantics of Encoding

Know that &#xA; is the ASCII and Unicode equivalent of the line feed (LF) character (Hex: 0x0A). This knowledge proves beneficial when dealing with raw text data and platform interoperability in diverse specifications such as HTML, XML, and JSON.

In areas like XML, the correct encoding is essential for maintaining the standards of well-formed documents. In HTML or JSON, accurately using entities like prevent issues with invisible or control characters affecting user-interface interactions or APIs.

Practical Insights and Potential Hurdles

Consider the following scenarios where &#xA; comes in handy and few potential issues to watch out for:

Identifying the need within HTML attributes

Certain attributes such as title or alt cannot support raw line breaks or newline characters—enter the savior, &#xA;.

<!-- Pro HTML tip: Life's full of unexpected line breaks, let `&#xA;` handle them! --> <button title="Click me!&#xA; No, seriously, CLICK ME!">Button</button>

Taming your JSON and data serialization

When working with serialized data, a trusty line feed might need to be properly encoded to ensure seamless data transmission and storage.

/* When life gives you JSON, add some discipline with `\n`! */ {"message": "Knock knock.\nWho's there?"}

Improving code readability

While dealing with inline JavaScript within HTML documents, clever usage of &#xA; can drastically enhance your code's readability by creating well-defined sections in your code without changing the code's execution.

<!-- JavaScript condolence: Newlines don't count on stages, but `&#xA;` cares! --> <script>let message = "Hello,&#xA; Stackoverflow!"</script>

Edge cases: Caution required!

Test and retest your code with &#xA; across various browsers and devices, as interpretations might differ. Be aware of the common pitfall of copy-pasting code - it might unexpectedly convert these entities to real line breaks, or vice versa.

Ins and outs of encoding

While &#xA; is a universal superhero of HTML and XML, it also holds relevance in other areas:

  • In JSON string values, new lines are encoded as \\n.
  • In languages like PHP or JavaScript, \n is the way to go.
  • In databases, encoding or escaping varies depending on usage.

Encoding decoded

  • Leverage &#xA; in HTML attributes for compatibility points.
  • Make code maintainable by escaping new lines in JavaScript.
  • Always double-check your encoding game when shifting data between systems.

Discover More

  • Experiment with &#xA; to induce line breaks in SVG 'text' elements.
  • Explore how raw vs. encoded new lines behave in form <textarea> pointers.
  • Get familiar with the function of &#xA; in e-mail templates for proper line spacing.