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What character represents a new line in a text area

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Aug 25, 2024

In a HTML <textarea>, a new line or line break is symbolized by \n. This needs to be inserted wherever a line break is required:

<textarea>First Line\nSecond Line</textarea>

In the JavaScript context:

document.querySelector('textarea').value = "First\nSecond";

This is the fundamental, fast answer. However, the newline character handling process isn't succintly encapsulated in a single symbol, due to the complex processing happening behind the scenes.

Under the hood: newline magic in textarea

Line breaks normalization process

In the realm of browsers, a newline isn't just a newline. When users hit the Enter key, the multiline inputs undergo canonication.

  • This begins with the raw value consisting of Carriage Return (\r), Line Feed (\n), or a CR LF pair (\r\n).
  • These raw inputs metamorphose into the internal value in the browser where all types are normalized to a single Line Feed (\n).
  • And on form submission, these values are converted back to CR LF pairs (\r\n), ensuring uniformity.

The role of platform and browser

Difference in operating systems and browsers lead to distinct interpretations of line break characters. In a multitudinous world of character sequencing, staying alert to these variants can save you from uncanny line breaks.

Regular expressions meeting line breaks

To ensure line breaks don't play hide-and-seek with your regular expressions, consider using '\r?\n'. This can fetch a line break in either the form of LF or a CR LF pair.

The curious case of browsers

Certain browsers like Internet Explorer could defy universal norms when it comes to newline characters. Hence, cross-browser validation and testing is as essential as a caffeine-fueled night in a developer's life.

Journey of HTML entities

In the multiverse of HTML markup inside text areas, HTML entities for line breaks—&#10; for LF and &#13; for CR—come to the rescue. They can simulate newlines without having to bear burden of line breaks.

The HTML5 standard saga

When it comes time to handle newline characters in text areas, the HTML5 Standard acts as our reliable guidebook on this adventurous journey.

Adapting to evolving standards

The web ecosystem evolves faster than our code. Hence, keeping abreast of HTML specifications ensures your solutions resonate with the changing standards and conventions.