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How can I replace newline or \r\n with <br/>?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Jan 21, 2025

Let's jump straight to the solution. We use JavaScript's replace() method with a regex pattern to convert newline characters into <br/> tags:

let text = "Call Me Ishmael.\nSome years ago..."; let html = text.replace(/\r?\n/g, '<br/>');

This one-liner looks for all newline characters and replaces them with <br/>, ensuring lines break correctly in HTML as in plain text.

Unpacking the newline mystery

When transforming text, you first need to catch the culprits–the newline characters. These vary based on your operating system and are expressed as:

  • \n for Unix/Linux (LF)
  • \r\n for Windows (CRLF)
  • \r for old Mac OS (CR)

The regex pattern \r?\n skillfully covers both \r\n and \n variations.

Special characters: A not-so-special headache

In code land, special characters like \n have... well... special meanings. The backslash heralds the beginning of an escape sequence. For example, \\n in a string represents a literal \n, not a newline. Keep this in mind, especially when performing cross-platform tasks.

A cross-language affair

The strategy can differ based on your programming language of choice. PHP, for instance, boasts a built-in function nl2br() to tackle this:

echo nl2br("Hello, world.\nFancy meeting you here.");

Here, PHP's double quotes help interpret escape characters like \n, so keep your quotation marks in check!

Test, debug, repeat

As with most things in life, testing and debugging often prove critical to successful coding. Test different input strings to ensure your code can handle all newline variations. Be mindful of special characters in regex patterns to avoid surprise outcomes.

Diving deeper: PHP and preg_replace

For more complex patterns, preg_replace is your lifeline.

$text = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\r|\n)+/", '<br/>', $text); // Replaces doubles, triples,... forever!

This prevents turning multiple consecutive newlines into a parade of <br/> tags.

Multiplying impact with str_replace

When juggling arrays of search and replace values, str_replace allows multi-tasking:

$search = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"); // The usual suspects $replace = '<br/>'; // The hero we need $html = str_replace($search, $replace, $text); // Justice served

Your code is now more efficient and readable.

Safe coding habits

Prior to making replacements, inspect your variable. Ensure its contents match your expectations. Unexpected special characters can produce uncommon results. Always sanitise and validate your inputs.

When dealing with HTML, beware of XSS vulnerabilities. Always escape other HTML characters when the text comes from an untrusted source:

$text = htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $text = nl2br($text); // Now safelier done!

Trobleshooting tips

Run into problems? Check for:

  • Syntax errors: Did you close your quotes?
  • PHP errors: How are you handling your strings?
  • HTML hiccups: Any unescaped characters?