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Jquery removeClass wildcard

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Aug 31, 2024

Time to get to the point! Use jQuery's attr() and regular expressions to surgically remove classes matching a wildcard:

$('.element').attr('class', function(i, cls) { // Replace "wild-" to match your rogue classes 👮‍♀️ return cls.replace(/wild-\S+/g, ''); });

Voilà! By changing "wild-" to your wildcard, this will remove all classes starting with it on elements marked as .element.

Exploring the .removeClass() function

The removeClass() function accepts a callback which we can use to filter out undesired classes:

$("#hello").removeClass(function(index, classNames) { // Yep, our "color-" classes are getting kicked out 🥾💔 return (classNames.match(/(^|\s)color-\S+/g) || []).join(' '); });

This works by removing every single class that starts with "color-". It's equivalent to giving classes a one-way ticket to 'none-existence' land.

Wildcards with plugins

You can easily extend jQuery's functionalities using jQuery plugins. Think of them as jQuery's personal gym trainers, bulking it up with more potent capabilities:

  • jQuery alterClass plugin: Adds proficiency to wildcard class manipulation.
  • Custom $.fn.removeClassStartingWith: Delivers an atomic punch of targeted class removal.

Plugins like removeClassRegex use regular expressions to boost their power level even further.

Mastering regular expressions

If regular expressions were a superhero, they'd be the master of disguise. They're great for pattern matching! Here are some of their special moves:

  • Global flag 'g': It keynotes all matching classes, not just the first one.
  • Caret '^' and '\s': It ensures we're only grappling with our target and not an innocent bystander.

Regular expressions: not all heroes wear capes.

Performance precautions

Beware: Wildcard removal can be resource hungry, kind of like a bunch of hungry teenagers at a pizza party. Try to only invoke it when it's necessary to ensure a smooth running site.

Practical usages

What good are mighty tools if we can't put them to use? Let's see how Array.filter comes into play:

$('.element').attr('class', function(index, cls) { var currentClasses = cls.split(/\s+/); var niceClasses = currentClasses.filter(function(c) { // If it starts with "wild-", we pretend we can't see it 👀🙈 return !c.startsWith('wild-'); }); return niceClasses.join(' '); });

Here, Array.filter steps up for those browsers where startsWith() function is as foreign as an alien language!

Adapting to various scenarios

Getting creative with solutions, depending on scenarios:

  • Dynamic class names: If the classes are playing hide-n-seek, generate regex patterns dynamically.
  • Preservation of certain classes: They're on the no-cut list. They're the VIP classes, let's not ruffle their feathers.
  • Bulk class removal: When there are more classes than you have patience, remove them in batches.