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How to Select Element That Does Not have Specific Class

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 20, 2024

Do you need to select elements in your HTML that do not have a specific class? The easiest way is using the CSS :not() pseudo-class to handle this with style (pun intended).

For example, to grab all <div> elements sans the .exclude class:

div:not(.exclude) { /* It's like these divs has been shunned by .exclude, fortunately we still care about them */ }

This trick works directly with CSS and needs no support from JavaScript or jQuery. But if you aim to manipulate these classless wonders or you want a more dynamic selection process, stick around for the deeper exposition.

Advanced selection using JavaScript

The Might of querySelector

Your trusty sidekick document.querySelector in JavaScript helps you wield the full power of CSS selectors including the nifty :not(). Here's an example to select the first <div> that is not in the .exclude club:

let rebelDiv = document.querySelector('div:not(.exclude)'); /* Now you've singled out the first dissenter. Treat him well, or not.*/

Batch Processing with querySelectorAll

Moreover, with the document.querySelectorAll, you can select all elements that do not have the .exclude class in one go:

let rebelDivs = document.querySelectorAll('div:not(.exclude)'); /* It's a rebellion, and you're leading it. Use this power wisely. */

Puppetering the selected elements

Once you've captured the NodeList from querySelectorAll, you're now their overlord and can manipulate each and every one of these unruly elements:

rebelDivs.forEach(function(rebelDiv) { rebelDiv.style.backgroundColor = 'yellow'; // This might calm them down for a bit. }); /* Fun fact, highlighting unruly elements in bright colors is an ancient debugging tradition*/

The :Not() Cadabra for multiple classes

Feeling powerful with :not()? You can chain them together in your quest to exclude multiple classes:

let trulyRebelDivs = document.querySelectorAll('div:not(.exclude):not(.ignore)'); /* Now these divs are not just rebels, they're ignore-ant rebels */

Practical demonstration of "Catch me not, if you can"

As we know, a working example is worth a thousand docs. Here’s a jsfiddle to witness all these techniques in one place like a well-orchestrated Broadway show:

Fine-tuning the :not() game in advanced scenarios

Handling DOM interactions with elements daring to lack certain classes is an art in itself. The :not() selector is a game changer here, offering tremendous control over your elements, just shy of mind control.