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How to uninstall Python 2.7 on a Mac OS X 10.6.4?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 10, 2024

Kick start your Python cleaning mission with these quick commands:

# Farewell, Python 2.7 framework sudo rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7 # Ghost-busting in /usr/local/bin for sneaky symbolic links sudo find /usr/local/bin -type l -delete

These commands show Python 2.7 the exit door and evict remaining symbolic links. Proceed with backing up crucial files.

Step-by-step journey to Python 2.7 removal

Navigating the Python removal process requires a well-planned roadmap. Back up your data as a safety net against system hiccups. Here's a roadmap to Python 2.7 removal:

Step 1: Python framework dissolution

Within the /Library/Frameworks directory lies the Python framework. You can erase the 2.7 version using the command mentioned above. Don't disturb the system Python in /System/Library and /usr/bin.

Step 2: Spring cleaning Python applications

The /Applications directory might hide Python 2.7 application bundles. You can scrub them off the map with:

# Python 2.7 applications, prepare to be dusted! sudo rm -rf "/Applications/Python 2.7"

Step 3: PATH variables, time for a detox

Shell profile files (like .bash_profile, .zshrc) may possess Python 2.7 PATH references. Give your profile files a detox, eliminating the Python 2.7 path to prevent clashes with other Python versions.

Step 4: Precision surgery with pkgutil

To perform a precision removal, pkgutil can help identify and unlink Python-related packages:

# Gathering a list of Python culprits pkgutil --pkgs | grep -i python # Tailor-fit the removal process for each Python package pkgutil --unlink package-id

However, Mac OS X has stopped handing out the unlink coupon since Lion (10.7).

Step 5: Homebrew, time for a different brew?

Abstain from the Python 2.7 Homebrew with:

# Serving eviction notice to Python 2.7 brew uninstall python@2

Take note, this command won't sanitize all Python 2.7-related crumbs, you might need a second round of cleaning.

Step 6: Treasure hunting for residual files

Any stubborn Python 2.7 files hiding in the shadows can be discovered and eliminated using commands like find or tomfoolery with awk and xargs:

# Initiating a seek-and-destroy mission for Python 2.7 residuals sudo find / -name 'Python 2.7*' -exec rm -rf {} +

Caveat: Proceed with caution and ensure the target is Python 2.7 related.

Step 7: System soundness double-check

Upon Python 2.7's departure, validate that your system still hums along fine by checking Python version. This will ensure system stability.

# Let's see if we're still speaking Python here python --version

Caveats and considerations

System Python off-limits

It's seductively easy to consider removing system Python, but it’s a temptation best avoided. System Python is critical for macOS to run smoothly - disrupt it, and expect system tantrums.

Verify before vaporizing

Before sledge-hammering packages with pkgutil --files package-id, verify that you're not obliterating pivotal system files.

Watch your dependencies

Uninstalling Python can launch a domino effect, crashing app or scripts that rely on Python 2.7. Inspect dependencies thoroughly before proceeding.

Package management complexities

Using pip for Python library management? Brace yourself for residues outside the directories highlighted. Selective removal may be called for.