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Which version of Python do I have installed?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Oct 16, 2024

To instantly determine your Python version, type the following command in the terminal:

python -V

For Python 3, use the corresponding command:

python3 -V

The result showcases the installed Python version like Python 3.9.2.

For environments hosting multiple Python versions, you can find all installed ones by using:

whereis python

or on Unix-like systems:

find /usr/local -name 'python*' -type d

Assuming pyenv is present, you can find out all versions with:

pyenv versions

Getting the full picture of the Python environment

Understanding your Python version is crucial for ensuring compatibility and security, but it's only a part of the larger Python environment.

Detailed system and version info

To get a deeper insight into your Python version, you can use the sys module:

import sys print(sys.version)

Doing so displays a string beginning with the version number, then detailing the build number and compiler used.

Importance of Python version

Each Python version introduces feature enhancements, security patches, and performance optimizations. Consistently updating the Python version can lead to smoother operation and enhancement utilization.

Managing multiple Python versions

When dealing with multiple versions, pyenv for version management and virtualenv for creating isolated Python environments can be life-saving.

pyenv install 3.9.2 # "I heard you like Python, so I put some Python in your Python." pyenv global 3.9.2 # "Global domination, Python style."

For creating virtual environments:

python3 -m venv my-project-env # "My own secluded Python island!" source my-project-env/bin/activate # "And... we're on Python Island!"

Now you can safely experiment with newer Python versions before fully integrating them into your system.

Prerequisite checks for an update

Before boarding the update train, check your project dependencies and evaluate their compatibility. Some modules might not appreciate the sudden jump to a newer Python universe.

Identifying multiple Python installations

Multiple Python installations on a single system can cause module installation or execution problems. We can leverage system commands to identify multiple installations.

Running updatedb (refreshes the database) and locate site.py (finds directory paths) can take you to the truth.

Balancing update benefits and risks

Updating Python might seem like a one-way trip to progress, but remember to weigh the benefits with the risks. You don't want an update to break dependencies or add incompatible changes.

Staying informed and planning updates

Take the initiative by subscribing to Python's mailing lists or RSS feeds to stay updated. Any update should be undertaken with a clear understanding of its impact.