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Css: How to remove pseudo elements (after, before,...)?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 26, 2024

The road to banishing ::before and ::after pseudo-elements invites you to set their content to none:

selector::before, selector::after { content: none; } /* Fin, the end, no more! 😵 */

Apply to your target selector and voilà, you've zapped these pesky faux elements!

JQuery to the rescue

When performing pseudo-element exorcism with jQuery, adding a class that nullifies the ::after or ::before is your secret sauce:

$('.your-element').addClass('ghostbuster'); /* Who you gonna call?! */

In your CSS catalogue, you'll need:

.ghostbuster::after, .ghostbuster::before { content: none !important; /* 100% ghost free guarantee! */ }

This method grants you coding super powers, no unnecessary meddling with your precious CSS files!

Selectors unmasked: the wildcard

Sometimes the situation calls for a mass pseudo-element vanishing act. That's where the * universal selector comes in:

*::after, *::before { content: none; /* And they lived happily ever after without pseudo-elements! */ }

Remember, * is the wildcard that will affect all elements, use wisely or face unforeseen consequences!

Setting the record straight on jQuery

There's a ghastly misconception floating around cyberspace that jQuery can hide pseudo-elements directly with the .css() method:

$('p:after').css('display', 'none'); // ❌ Nope, ain't gonna work!

Beware, pseudo-elements aren't part of the DOM, so jQuery's .css() can't reach 'em. Not directly, at least. Stick with the class manipulation method.

Myth busting: pseudo-classes vs pseudo-elements

To pick the right coding battle, understand the difference between pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements:

  • Pseudo-classes (:hover, :focus) represent states of an element.
  • Pseudo-elements (::before, ::after) are virtual stylistic additions.

This crucial knowledge lets you target your CSS with the precision of a ninja.

The !important declaration: a necessary evil

When multiple styles are at play, guarantee content: none; is enforced by employing the !important declaration:

selector::after { content: none !important; /* Priority boarding for our content: none */ }

Yes, !important is the bad boy of CSS, but there are times when its muscle is needed.

Optimizing performance: select with caution

The * selector can feel like a magic wand, but overuse can slow your page to a crawl. Selecting specific elements or grouping logically is a smarter move for performance.

button::after, .navbar::before { content: none; /* Button says: I ain't afraid of no ghost! */ }