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How to check Django version

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 9, 2024

To check your Django version quickly, run:

django-admin --version

For an immediate response, this command relays the version of Django installed in your environment.

You can also determine the Django version within a specific project by executing:

./manage.py --version

This command confirms the Django version employed in your active project.

Validating Django and Python compatibility

Verifying Python version

Umpteen times, the first arrow shot to troubleshoot issues— Python version compatibility:

python -V

The output unveils your Python version—for Django compatibility, check the Django documentation.

Checking installed package versions

Now, don't play the blame game on Django alone! To maintain a stable Django application, check your installed package versions:

pip freeze # What’s cooler than cool?

This command spits out the versions of all installed packages—tango with Django smoothly!

Scanning for package updates

Monitoring your package versions consistently ensures a bug-free Django project. Run this to scan for available updates:

pip list --outdated #packages asking "Upgrade me, maybe?"

This command provides a list of install packages ripe for an update—keeping your project fresh and up to date.

Using Python's command-line interface

Get Django version swiftly

Prefer staying out of the interactive shell? Get the Django version swiftly with this one-liner:

python -c "import django; print(django.get_version())" #Hit and run

This line comes in handy for scripts—it's compact and quick.

Python and Django dance—Versions

Want to catch both the Python and Django versions at once? Try this two-in-one command:

python -c "import sys; import django; print(f'Python version: {sys.version}. Django version: {django.get_version()}')" # A Python-Django Double-decker!

This command is specifically useful to generate system reports or to ascertain version synchronization.

Django interactions in Python IDLE

Discover versions within IDLE

For those more comfortable within the Python IDLE:

  • Open your IDLE
  • Type import django
  • Execute print(django.get_version()) # Politely demanding Django's credentials.

Python IDLE in a virtual environment

If you’re working inside a virtual environment, select the right Python interpreter to execute Django commands correctly.