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What is the difference between join and merge in Pandas?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Jan 14, 2025

.join() is the go-to for combining DataFrames based directly on their indexes, with a default setting of a left join:

df1.join(df2) # Joins df2 to df1 using index, Jedi-like simplicity

.merge(), resembling SQL joins, gives extensive command to merge on either columns or indexes, with adjustable join types:

pd.merge(df1, df2, on='key') # Inner join on 'key' column, the power of the dark side

.join() handily takes care of index-based merging, while .merge() handles more complex column/index joins and diverse join operations with aplomb.

Spotlight on key differences

.join() is your tool of choice when speed is a priority, especially in index-based joining scenarios:

  • It cuts to the chase when all you require is a default left join on indexes.
  • When column names overlap, use lsuffix and rsuffix to sort things out.
  • If two DataFrames share the same index values, it's a clean, swift operation.

On the other hand, .merge() offers more room for maneuver in complex joining situations:

  • It runs the gamut from inner to outer, left, and right joins, fully emulating SQL operations.
  • Any column you want to join on is fair game, thanks to left_on and right_on.
  • Should column names overlap, the suffixes parameter has you covered.

Making the right pick

  • .join() is your best bet when dealing with matched indexes and a simple left join is what's needed.
  • Use .merge() when joining DataFrames on various columns, or conducting different types of joins.

While .join() is generally timesaving, .merge() takes over when join conditions get intricate or nuanced. With .merge(), a join operation on indexes would look like this: right_index=True and left_on.

Index-join nuances

Here's something pivotal to note about joining on indexes. .join():

df_left.join(df_right, lsuffix='_left', rsuffix='_right') # Sticks to the left side like old pals

Retains the left DataFrame's original index, effectively bypassing any mix-ups that could result from having to reset the index.

However, .merge():

pd.merge(df_left, df_right, left_on='left_key', right_index=True, how='left', sort=False) # Mixes things up like a wild weekend party

Tends to initiate a new index unless you specifically direct it to do otherwise.

Real-world application and tips

Wise index choices

With .join(), selecting the right index is half the work. Ensure to set the intended indices ahead of joining:

df1.set_index('key').join(df2.set_index('key')) # Proper index selection, the "key" to success

Tackling overlapping columns

Juggle overlapping column names by leveraging the lsuffix and rsuffix options:

df1.join(df2, lsuffix='_df1', rsuffix='_df2') # Overlapping columns tamed, now that's a hat trick!

Multi-column joyrides

Cruise through complex relationships with compound key merges:

pd.merge(df1, df2, left_on=['key1', 'key2'], right_on=['key3', 'key4']) # Sweeps through multiple columns, like a ticket to a joyride

Importance of order

Dictate the structure of the resulting DataFrame by mindfully setting the orders of merging. .merge() offers a sort option:

pd.merge(df1, df2, on='key', sort=True) # Makes sure the 'key' stays 'key', sort of