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What is a cross-platform way to get the home directory?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 5, 2024

In Python, to retrieve the home directory across various operating systems, use this snippet:

from pathlib import Path home_directory = str(Path.home()) # Bazinga! Home, sweet home.

This will give you the home directory as a str type. The Path.home() method is part of the pathlib module and offers a cross-platform solution.

Understanding pathlib

Python's pathlib module is a newer and more robust way of handling file system paths, offering a cross-platform and intuitive approach with the Path.home() method.

Direct file operations

You can directly work with files and directories without converting Path objects to strings:

config_path = Path.home() / '.config' / 'myapp' # "/home/user/.config/myapp" config_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # mkdir: it's bigger on the inside!

Note: The / operator is overridden to do path concatenation, not division.

Looking back for compatibility

For preserving compatibility with Python 2.7, stick with good old os.path.expanduser("~"). It's an oldie, but a goldie!

pathlib power in brief

pathlib is not just a homegetter, it handles all forms of path manipulations by treating paths as objects rather than strings, providing a path to consistency and fewer errors.

Dealing with quirkiness and common troubles

The enigma of Windows' HOME

In Windows, using os.getenv("HOME") may return nothing as it's not always set. Instead, os.path.expanduser("~") or Path.home() will get you safely home, no matter the weather.

Strings vs Path objects

Although str() can convert Path objects to strings for manipulation, it's best to stick with Path objects for direct file operations to maximize the strength of pathlib.

Exploring beyond the home with pathlib

Take a walk in the vast land of pathlib. Its comprehensive documentation is a treasure chest of effective and concise strategies for path manipulation.