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How to get an absolute file path in Python

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 25, 2024

Use os.path.abspath() to quickly convert a relative path to an absolute path in Python.

import os print(os.path.abspath('example.txt')) # Go ahead, rake in the absolutes!

This function figures out the absolute path starting from the current working directory, even if the file hasn't RSVP'd its existence yet.

Next level with pathlib

Switching gears to Python 3.4, roll out the welcoming party for pathlib. It boasts a cool function called Path.resolve() that can also fetch the absolute path. Extra brownie points for supporting fluent interfaces and object-oriented operations.

from pathlib import Path print(Path('example.txt').resolve()) # Can't hide from pathlib! Absolute path found!

Remember, pathlib isn't just pretty. It's a workhorse that simplifies path manipulations and scales up your code's readability.

Tackling special paths and expansions

Have a user directory or environment variable to expand in a file path? os.path has the keys for you.

  • os.path.expanduser(): Give ~ a full makeover to the user's home directory.
  • os.path.expandvars(): Make $HOME feel like home by expanding to the full directory path.
print(os.path.expanduser('~')) # Home sweet home, huh? print(os.path.expandvars('$HOME/example.txt')) # There's no place like $HOME

These functions step in like heroes when scripting across different user environments, ensuring your program's passport is always ready for travel.

Embracing the cross-platform kingdom

In the kingdom of multi-platforms, file system structures and path syntax differ between operating systems. Fear not, os.path and pathlib cover this, enabling your solution to be the equivalent of a travel blogger across Windows, Mac, or Linux.

Running Python 2.6/2.7? No problem, pathlib is a pip install away:

pip install pathlib

And just like that, even the elders can join the modern path handling party.

Spicing things up with path library

Crave more choice? The path module on PyPI could be your knight in shining armor–it's more than just a pretty wrapper around os.path function.

pip install path
from path import Path print(Path('example.txt').abspath()) # path library going absolute rogue!

This module provides functionality akin to tailored clothes – fitting neatly around your path manipulation needs. It's like having an ace up your sleeve for comprehensive path handling.