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Sql Select Only Rows with Max Value on a Column

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Sep 17, 2024

Extract rows with the maximum value in a column using a subquery to isolate the peak value:

SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE ColumnName = (SELECT MAX(ColumnName) FROM TableName);

The SQL snippet returns all records from TableName where ColumnName equals the highest value found in ColumnName, efficiently filtering for the uppermost entries.

Crucial Techniques for Fetching Maximums

Beyond basic subqueries, various techniques exist to fetch rows with the maximum column value. These cater to diverse use cases and SQL dialects.

Grouping and Joining: Exploring Companionship

Groups can be your best pals when seeking associated data. Establish accomplices with JOIN:

SELECT t1.* -- Every good gathering includes everyone FROM TableName t1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT ID, MAX(ColumnName) AS MaxValue -- Climbing the MAX mountain! FROM TableName GROUP BY ID -- Assembly of the ID clan ) t2 ON t1.ID = t2.ID AND t1.ColumnName = t2.MaxValue; -- Matching the zenith achievers

Window Functions: A Glimpse of Order

Window Functions offer a panoramic view of data clusters, helping to sort and filter them based on rank:

WITH RankedTable AS ( SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ID ORDER BY ColumnName DESC) AS rn -- Racing to the top! FROM TableName ) SELECT * FROM RankedTable WHERE rn = 1; -- Numero Uno!

Oh, The Views You'll See!

Visualize a racetrack with finish line numbers representing a column's value in your database. Each car embodies a row and only the fastest gets a trophy—the MAX!

🚗 Row 1 - Finish Line: 3 🚗 Row 2 - Finish Line: 1 🚗 Row 3 - Finish Line: 4 (Max Value) 🚗 Row 4 - Finish Line: 2

We're interested in the speed demons clocking the highest numbers, like the fastest car:

SELECT * FROM races WHERE finish_line_value = (SELECT MAX(finish_line_value) FROM races);
And the Winner is: 🚗 Row 3 with the 🏆 for reaching Finish Line: 4

Tackling Ties and Doppelgängers

Run into too many winners? Use RANK() or DENSE_RANK() in Window Functions to equally rank multiple record holders.

Ditch the Duplicates!

To exclude duplicate max values, modify the window function using DISTINCT or add tie-breaking conditions.

SELECT DISTINCT * FROM ( SELECT *, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY ID ORDER BY ColumnName DESC, TieBreakerColumn) AS rank -- Climbing the ladder but with style! FROM TableName ) t WHERE rank = 1; -- And the Oscar goes to...

Advanced Filtering: Correlated Subqueries

Correlated subqueries offer granular control, tailor-made for each row:

SELECT * FROM TableName t1 -- A tale of two tables WHERE ColumnName = ( SELECT MAX(t2.ColumnName) FROM TableName t2 WHERE t1.ID = t2.ID); -- Match made in heaven!

Performance & Compatibility: The Real MVP

Got a volume-heavy database? Then INDEX is your superhero, providing fast-access lanes to your data. Benchmarks lead the way to optimal performance.

Surefire SQL: Achieving the Benchmarks

Testing SQL queries gives measure to their efficiency. Benchmarks enable comparison between different methods and their performance under varied system configurations.