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The quandary of the GROUP BY clause and aggregate functions in SQL

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Sep 7, 2024

SQL demands that columns not incorporated into an aggregate function (like COUNT or MAX), must be included in the GROUP BY clause to avert ambiguous results. Here’s a quick fix:

SELECT column1, aggregate_function(column2) FROM table_name GROUP BY column1;

Need to group multiple columns? No worries, GROUP BY got you covered:

SELECT column1, column2, aggregate_function(column3) FROM table_name GROUP BY column1, column2;

Golden rule: All SELECTed columns need to either mirror the GROUP BY clause or hide in an aggregate function like SUM, AVG, etc.

Breaking down common defense strategies

Boosting calculations with Sub-queries and Window Functions

The heavyweight boxing of data analysis is the use of sub-queries and window functions. An unbeatable technique for managing complex tasks, like choosing rows that correspond to a maximum value in specific groups:

SELECT *, -- Meet the champ "max_value". No fear of heights! MAX(value) OVER (PARTITION BY group_column) as max_value FROM table_name;

MySQL even came up with the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY rule to align non-grouped field usage with SQL standards. Remember, grave encounters ahead without it.

Winning the match with the Right Aggregate Function

The choice between ROW_NUMBER() vs. RANK() defines the victory:

  • ROW_NUMBER() is a lone wolf, assigning a distinct row number to each partition, even if values are identical.
  • RANK() is the friendly one, assigning the same rank to equal values.
SELECT column1, column2, -- "rn" is training to become #1, give it a cheer! ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY column1 ORDER BY column2 DESC) as rn FROM table_name WHERE rn = 1;

Mastering Group Handling across various SQL Databases

Every SQL database has its signature defense move for managing non-grouped columns:

  • PostgreSQL comes up with "DISTINCT ON (expression)" as their knight, delivering an equivalent of GROUP BY for retrieving the primary row per group.
  • Oracle is more orthodox, insisting non-grouped columns to either be in the GROUP BY or get wrapped in an aggregate function.
  • SQL Server stands with classic SQL - non-grouped columns in the select function must be connected to a column function or be included in the GROUP BY clause.

Taming arrays and order in Postgres

In PostgreSQL, array_agg is a hidden jewel that transforms your data into an array by a particular sequence:

SELECT cname, -- Now you see the power of array_agg! (array_agg(wmname ORDER BY avg DESC))[1] FROM table_name GROUP BY cname;

This is an elegant showcase of how grouping and aggregate functions can blend with Postgres features.

The noble duty of Views in Grouping Logic

Ever thought of refactoring your query logic into a view? It does alter the grouping logic but makes your query more maintainable and can avoid redundant GROUP BY clause errors.

Advanced moves with MySQL, Postgres and more


MySQL's ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY is like a personal trainer for workout sessions. It steps up to avoid ambiguity by confirming consistency in behavior with SQL standards:

SET sql_mode = 'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY';


In Postgres, DISTINCT ON is a nifty tool to point out distinct combinations of defined expressions. The result? A maximum average for each 'cname':

SELECT DISTINCT ON (cname) cname, wmname, avg FROM table_name ORDER BY cname, avg DESC;

The art of defining Decision Rules

When multiple values tie for max averages, defining decision rules in your query is a lifesaver:

SELECT groupName, wmname, MAX(avg) as MaxAvg FROM table_name GROUP BY groupName, wmname -- "MaxAvg" and "wmname" in a tie-breaker, who will win? ORDER BY MaxAvg DESC, wmname;

Postgres Array Functions

When non-grouped wmname demands aggregation or be part of the GROUP BY, you can't ignore the array function in Postgres:

SELECT cname, -- Array_agg, making order out of chaos! array_agg(wmname ORDER BY avg DESC) FROM table_name GROUP BY cname;

Extracting the first element, cirque du soleil style:

SELECT cname, (array_agg(wmname ORDER BY avg DESC))[1] FROM table_name GROUP BY cname;