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Setmaxresults for Spring-Data-JPA annotation?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Mar 6, 2025

Using Pageable, you can limit the size of query results in Spring Data JPA. Specify the number of results you need with PageRequest in your repository methods.

import org.springframework.data.domain.PageRequest; // Retrieve top 10 entities List<YourEntity> topTenEntities = yourRepository.findAll(PageRequest.of(0, 10));

Note: PageRequest.of(0, 10) means we're requesting the first page of records with 10 entities in the result set.

Limiting results using keywords and custom methods

Using method naming: Top and First

For situations where you need a certain fixed number of results (akin to setMaxResults), you can use the Top and First method name keywords.

List<YourEntity> findTop10ByAttribute(); // 상단 10의 어트리뷰트를 찾아라! (Find the top 10 attributes!)

This method fetches the top 10 results that match a specific attribute.

Using Pageable for flexible instantiation

Pageable is an excellent tool for controlling result size and implementing pagination.

Page<YourEntity> findByCriteria(Pageable pageable); // Have it your way, but with style!

Invoke this method with PageRequest to customize the number of results and sort order.

Crafting custom queries with @Query annotation

If you need to set the maximum results for a custom query, use the @Query annotation with the Pageable parameter.

@Query("SELECT e FROM YourEntity e WHERE e.someField = :value") Page<YourEntity> findBySomeFieldWithPageable(@Param("value") String value, Pageable pageable); // No Golden Tickets here, just important data!

This method requires passing a Pageable object to determine the maximum results and handle pagination efficiently.

Maximum context at minimal cost with Page type

Consistent Pagination and Sorting with Page

Setting a maximum number of results can create inconsistent data if the sort order is not defined. The Page interface addresses this problem by providing contextual data like pagination details.

Page<YourEntity> resultsPage = yourRepository.findAll(PageRequest.of(0, 5, Sort.by("oneField"))); // This ain't your pop's barbershop quartet! It's more sorted out.

The Sort parameter ensures that these five results are consistently retrieved each time the query is run.

Minimizing database strain with Count Projections

If you are interested in the total count of results and not the result entities themselves, use count projections.

@Query("SELECT count(e.field) FROM YourEntity e") // The only thing we're spreading thin here is DB pressure. Page<Long> countAllByField(Pageable pageable);

This method does not return full entities, reducing the database strain.

Advanced tips and tricks for compatibility

Spring Data Evans Release: New kid on the block

Spring Data Evans (1.7.0 RELEASE) furnishes new ways to limit query results with keywords. Always check to see if you're using a compatible version.

List<YourEntity> findFirst20ByOrderByIdAsc(); // Who ordered a round of 20 results, sorted? Coming right up!

First20 keyword retrieves the first 20 results sorted in ascending order by id.

Considering database-specific solutions

While JPQL does not have an explicit LIMIT keyword, SQL does.

@Query(value = "SELECT * FROM Entity e ORDER BY e.field LIMIT 1", nativeQuery = true) // One Entity to rule them all! YourEntity findFirstByField();

This query will fetch only one result while maintaining portability and maintainability.