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Select second last element with CSS

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Sep 18, 2024

For a quick win, use :nth-last-child(2) to target the second-to-last element:

:nth-last-child(2) { /* Styling here is like being the penultimate Jedi */ }

This jaunty piece of CSS will style the second-to-last child of any container. It's like having a ctrl + z for the second-to-last element sin committed.

Deeper Dive: Understanding :nth-last-child(n)

How :nth-last-child(n) Works

Let's get into the nitty-gritty. The :nth-last-child(n) pseudo-class is a powerful beast. The "n" is the position from the end of a group of sibling elements. In our case, "n" is 2, signaling we want the second last element.

Browsers' Friendship with :nth-last-child(2)

Do browsers play nice with this selector? You bet! It's supported by all modern browsers, including IE9 and above. Just remember to check compatibility if you're dealing with any Internet Explorer versions older than 9.

Applying :nth-last-child(2) in Your CSS

Using :nth-last-child(2) is a breeze. Invoke the powerful Sith lord, and style the second last element in the container:

.parent > div:nth-last-child(2) { /* Styles for the second-last-child div, like it's going out of style */ }

Limitations and Pitfalls

When wielding the power of :nth-last-child, be aware:

  • The second-to-last child will vary in dynamic lists where items could be added or removed.
  • It might slow down performance in large DOM structures.
  • Non-element nodes, like comments, could disrupt the balance of the force and affect how elements are selected.

How to Get Creative with :nth-last-child(2)

Stylizing Unique Components with :nth-last-child

With :nth-last-child, the customization possibilities are endless. It opens the door to distinct component states, hierarchy expressions, dynamic layouts and so much more!

Handling Responsive Design with :nth-last-child

It can also be used for excellent responsive adjustments on different screen sizes, helping you clean up your layout for the perfect viewing experience on smaller devices.

Keeping Your Markup Clean with :nth-last-child

No need to overload your markup with extra classes or IDs. Rely on the inherent structure of the DOM, making your markup cleaner and more maintainable.