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Css3 selector question for all but first select

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Sep 5, 2024

To neatly target all <select> elements except the first, use:

select:not(:first-of-type) { /* This styles only the daredevils jumping the first-of-type queue */ }

This nifty selector skips over the first <select> under any given parent, applying your styles only to the rest. When directly paired sibling <select>s are huddled under the same parent:

select ~ select { /* Like a secret hand-shake, only between sibling selects */ }

Here, your style is applied to all <select>s that follow the first, within the same parent.

Leave the first one out

In the everyday hustle and bustle of styling sequences, you might, intentionally or not, need to keep the 'first select' out of your styling festivities. The pseudo-classes :not() and :first-child lend a helping hand when striking out the first one:

.options > div:not(:first-child) select { /* This considers all but the 'primus-inter-pares' select in .options */ }

This arsenal of selectors narrows down all selects to only those who are united under any div_. The direct children, that is – as indicated by the child combinator >.

The nth-child maneuver

At times, though, you might need to pile up a couple more pseudo-classes for a higher level of control. Here, the :nth-child() and :nth-of-type() pseudo-classes make their entry:

div.options > div:nth-child(n+2) select { /* For when you're playing 'n+2' games with select */ }

This string of command targets and styles only select descendants of the second, third, fourth – and so on – div child in .options.

Following the leader

When you gotta apply some styles to all the <select>s that follow the first – like a line of faithful minions - go with:

div.options > div ~ div > select { /* Duckling-like following starts... after the first one, of course */ }

The ~ combinator, also known as the 'subsequent sibling' selector, targets the <select> elements that are direct siblings of the div and beyond.

Playing compatible

While the above selectors neatly fall in line with the CSS3 specifications, make sure to give them a compatibility check with certain peculiar browsers that might throw a wrench in your works.

A complexity of specificity

When layering your page with styles, remember that the specificity of CSS selectors can make or break your output. Over-stacking pseudo-classes? Might lead to an override of other styles you diligently put in place. So walk this tightrope of matching specificity with caution, and sprinkle !important only where crucial.

Jig-sawing with selectors

Play around a bit, these CSS selectors fit into different scenarios:

  • Descendent specificity: body:not(.home) .content select – keeps the selects on .home feeling warm and cozy, i.e., without your styles.
  • State-based styling: select:not(:disabled) – styles come knocking only when the select is up and jumping.
  • Custom attributes: [data-custom]:not([data-ignore]) – if there is a data-custom attribute but no data-ignore, it's styling time!

Some stitches in time...

So while :not() can be your CSS savior, it can also get tangled into an overly complex selector monster. That's a nightmare no amount of regular testing will conquer. However, regular tests against different HTML structures? Now, that's your regular knight-in-shining-armor.