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Room - Schema export directory is not provided to the annotation processor so we cannot export the schema

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Mar 5, 2025

Fix the Room schema export issue by adding the schema directory in your build.gradle:

android { defaultConfig { javaCompileOptions { annotationProcessorOptions { // Trust me, it's not too complicated... It only seems so! arguments = ["room.schemaLocation": "$projectDir/schemas"] } } } }

Make sure the integer schemas folder exists in your projectDir. And voila... Room handles the rest, generating schema files there!

Optimizing version control, team co-op, and Kotlin nuances

Precise version tracking for smoother migrations

Precise tracking of your database schemas over time allows you to handle those tricky migration scenarios efficiently.

// Control your database schema like a boss exportSchema = true

Safeguard database changes with rollbacks

Having all your schemas under version control provides a haven for damage control; things go south, roll it back!

// Garbage, huh? Rollback time! git checkout HEAD~1

Effective team collaboration with shared schema access

Consistency is king in a team project. With schema files checked into source control, your team stays on the same page with the database structure.

// Hey Bob, pull the latest changes... and no more coffee stains on the schemas, please! git pull

Kotlin lovers, meet kotlin-kapt

For Kotlin projects, you'd need to utilize the kotlin-kapt plugin for correct annotation processing. Here's the rune:

kapt { arguments { // Kotlin and Room walk into a bar and... guess what they order? arg("room.schemaLocation", "$projectDir/schemas") } }

Deep dive into Room configuration

Choosing your personalized path to wisdom

Your project structure is a unique snowflake. Specify a different path for schema files if needed:

// Because who needs uniformity? arguments = ["room.schemaLocation": "$projectDir/customschemas"]

Silence the sirens with exportSchema declaration

For small projects or quick prototypes where database history is trivial, silence the warning sirens by setting exportSchema to false.

// Silent running... engage! @Database(entities = {MyEntity.class}, version = 1, exportSchema = false)

Keep your foundation solid

Your historical schema evolution forms the foundation of your app. Keep it solid by updating your schema files regularly with each change in the database.

// Keeping up with the Joneses, Room style! git commit -m "Update schema to reflect recent db changes"

Room-Kotlin harmony: The annotation processing equation

Juggling Room and Kotlin? It's straightforward to ensure compatibility, just maintain accuracy in your annotationProcessorOptions for smooth-sailing database management.