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How to move tables from public to other schema in Postgres

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Sep 11, 2024

Transfer a public table to target_schema in PostgreSQL swiftly:

ALTER TABLE public.example_table SET SCHEMA target_schema;

Proceed only if target_schema already exists:


Use a script for multiple tables and enjoy your coffee while tables move themselves.

Pre-migration Checkup

Ensuring Smooth Transition

Identify the interdependencies that might affect the move:

  1. Indexes & Constraints: Verify their existence and recreate within the new schema as needed.
  2. Referenced Sequences: Make sure sequences paired with primary keys remain valid after the move.
  3. Trigger Functions: Use ALTER FUNCTION .. SET SCHEMA if moves impact trigger actions.

Moving Tables Right

Follow these steps for a smooth transition with no hiccup or coffee spill:

  1. Create Empty Schema:
    CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS target_schema;
  2. Transfer Table: Migrate each table individually, all data included!
    ALTER TABLE public.example_table SET SCHEMA target_schema; -- Moving. Please beware of tripping hazards.
  3. Update Foreign Keys: Update any tables having foreign keys that reference the moved table.
  4. Check Sequences: Check primary key sequences post-move to ensure sequence ownership remains intact.

Advanced Measures

  • Syntax Compatibility: Ensure the syntax is compliant with your PostgreSQL version.
  • Data Consistency: When moving populated tables, be cautious to avoid data corruption.
  • Trigger Functions: Use ALTER FUNCTION .. SET SCHEMA for smoother trigger function relationships post-move.


Imagine shifting tables in PostgreSQL like relocating from one apartment to another:

📚 Old Apartment (public): [Table1, Table2, Table3] 🔍 New Apartment (target_schema): [ ]

Here comes the moving truck:

🚚 Moving 'Table2' from 'public' to 'target_schema'

Finally, Home sweet home:

📚 public: [Table1, Table3] 📚 target_schema: [Table2]

All safe at their new address!

Automating your move

Scripting the Process

For a hands-free transfer, swing into action with a dynamic SQL script:

DO $$ DECLARE table_name text; BEGIN FOR table_name IN SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public' LOOP -- Look ma, no hands! EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE public.%I SET SCHEMA target_schema;', table_name); END LOOP; END $$;

Guarding Against Pitfalls

  • Broken Dependencies: pg_dump can help reveal dependencies, preventing post-migration breakages.
  • Invalid Foreign Keys: Revalidate foreign keys post-migration to avoid "dangling" relations.
  • Privilege Issues: Mind to check if the acting role has suitable access rights for such schema operations.