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Jquery get the rendered height of an element?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Aug 3, 2024

The rendered height of an element in jQuery can be retrieved using .height() (height minus padding and border), .outerHeight() (including padding and border), or .outerHeight(true) (including margin as well). To measure the height of a hidden element accurately, make sure it is visible first.

let elemHeight = $('#element').height(); // Just the height, no frills! let elemOuterHeight = $('#element').outerHeight(); // Includes the padding, but hey, who's counting? let fullHeight = $('#element').outerHeight(true); // The full package: padding, border and margin.

Quick rundown of height properties

When dealing with dynamic content, the height of an element can fluctuate based on the content. Here are some key properties and methods to help you measure these changes:

  • .innerHeight(): Gets height considering padding but not border or margin, ideal if you love padding but hate margins.
  • getBoundingClientRect(): Provides a pixel-perfect floating point value of rendered height and even adjusts for CSS transforms (how polite!).
  • document.getElementById('element').clientHeight: Without jQuery, this retrieves the height minus scrollbar and borders, because who likes scrollbars and borders anyway.
  • document.getElementById('element').offsetHeight: An alternative without jQuery, this includes scrollbar, borders and possibly padding because some like it extra.

Grabbing measurements like a pro

Here are some techniques and tips to measure height more perfectly every time:

It's not invisible if you can measure it

For elements hidden by CSS (like display: none), they need to be temporarily visible for the height to be measurable:

$('#hiddenElement').show().height(); // Play a quick game of hide and seek.

Roll with the changes

If content changes due to interactive events or asynchronous operations, recalculate heights after these events:

$(window).on('load resize', function() { let dynamicHeight = $('#dynamicElement').outerHeight(); // Resize all the things! });

CSS transforms won't fool you anymore

Use getBoundingClientRect() because it can handle elements affected by CSS transforms, like rotation and scaling:

let rectHeight = document.querySelector('.transformedElement').getBoundingClientRect().height; // You can run but can't hide from `getBoundingClientRect()`.

Frameworks are your friends

In Vue.js project, reference the element using this.$refs to get its rendered height:

let vueHeight = this.$refs['some-ref'].$el.getBoundingClientRect().height; // Vue.js height, now that's a new high!

Into the beyond: alternatives to jQuery

While jQuery offers a straightforward way to measure elements, knowing how to do it in vanilla JavaScript or other frameworks adds more tools in your toolbelt:

  • Try finding JavaScript alternatives at [http://youmightnotneedjquery.com/].
  • For Vue.js, use $refs and getBoundingClientRect() to claim your rendered heights.
  • Also adding clientHeight and offsetHeight to your plain JavaScript scenario can offer spicy alternatives.