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Jquery: Get height of hidden element in jQuery

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Sep 9, 2024

Obtain the height of a hidden element swiftly by:

  1. Cloning it using .clone().
  2. Styling it for visibility (display: 'block') and placing it off-screen (position: 'absolute', left: '-9999px').
  3. Appending it to the body and measuring with .outerHeight().
  4. Deleting the clone right away.


var hiddenHeight = $('#yourHiddenElement').clone().css({ display: 'block', position: 'absolute', left: '-9999px' }).appendTo('body').outerHeight(); // Who you gonna call? Element busters! $('#yourHiddenElement').remove();

This method allows you to extract the height without disturbing the layout or visibility.

No show, but tell: The stealth approach

For your eyes only: Absolute Positioning and Visibility

Here, the hidden element's CSS is temporarily set to position: 'absolute' and visibility: 'hidden' to measure the height and then restore the original state. As we like to say, now you see me, now you don't!


var styleBackup = $('#yourHiddenElement').attr('style'); $('#yourHiddenElement').css({ position: 'absolute', visibility: 'hidden', display: 'block' }); var elementHeight = $('#yourHiddenElement').height(); // Back to the future! Original style restored $('#yourHiddenElement').attr('style', styleBackup || '');

I've got the power: jQuery Plugins

The jQuery Actual plugin acts as a secret agent, morphing the element to get the accurate height and restoring it back, all while maintaining layout integrity.


var elementHeight = $('#yourHiddenElement').actual('height');

When the going gets tough: Handling edge cases

Look, mom! I cloned it: Handling CSS inheritance

When cloning an element, remember to set the same dimensions as its parent for accuracy (Remember, cloned elements aren’t like magical twins that share the same wardrobe, okay?)

var clone = $('#yourHiddenElement').clone().css({ display: 'block', width: $('#yourHiddenElement').parent().width() }).appendTo('body'); var elementHeight = clone.outerHeight(); clone.remove(); // Removing clone... Send him back to the clone wars!

Hide and Seek: Visibility vs Display

Understand that visibility: hidden doesn't remove the element from the layout, but display: none does (They are like ghosts that do and don’t rattle the chains, respectively).

Doctor Who? Restoring the original state

Make sure to restore the original CSS of elements post measurement. We don’t want any unexpected time and space rifts, yeah?

Pro tips: Additional insights

Speed is key: Optimising performance

Avoid frequent DOM modifications for better performance. Try to minimise the operations and revert swiftly like a ninja (no traces left behind)

Beware, cascade ahead: Handling CSS inheritance

Your style changes might cascade down to child elements. Keep the measurement process in a protective bubble to avoid ripple effects in the layout (No butterfly effect here!)

Smooth sailing: Avoid reflow

Take measurements at times that cause minimal content reflow. This ensures a smooth user experience (Like perfect waves for surfing, dude!)