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Java URL encoding of query string parameters

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 5, 2024

Easily encode query parameters in Java using java.net.URLEncoder.encode(String s, "UTF-8"), ensuring smooth web standards compatibility.

Usage Note:

  • Encode only values, not entire query.


// Encode correct, my friend, don't be a stranger to encoding! String encodedValue = URLEncoder.encode("Hello World!", "UTF_8"); // Exclaims "Hello+World%21"

The right tool for the task

Java version specifics

For the cool kids using Java 10+, here you go:

URLEncoder.encode("value", StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

For the old school peeps stuck on Java 7-9, this one's for you:

URLEncoder.encode("value", "UTF-8");

What to remember

  • Spaces transform into + in the encoded result.
  • UTF-8? Absolutely, it's the web encoding standard.
  • Query values are where it's at for encoding, bypass the &, = used for parameters & pairs.

The alternatives on the scene

  • URIBuilder from Apache HttpClient for the fancy encoding tasks
  • java.net.URI for crafting fully encoded URIs like an artisan.

Pro Tips in a nutshell

  • Shun deprecated methods; always mention character sets.
  • StringBuilder can outrun StringBuffer in the URL encoding marathon.

Advanced encoding moves

Percentage is power

Special icons need percent-encoding, turning into %xy where xy is their hexadecimal version in ASCII.

World wide domain

Going global? Use IDN.toASCII() to morph Unicode domains into ASCII (aka Punycode).

A step before encoding

To prevent double-encoding showstoppers, perform pre-encoding checks & use %20, not + for spaces.

Unicode pretreatment

Before encoding, apply Unicode NFKC/NFC normalization to align character representation.


Visualize this: The internet? A massive ocean 🌊. Each website? An island 🏝️.

URL Encoding? Prepping a MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE 🍾 for an ocean voyage:

// Original readability Bottle Content: "Hello World! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )" // Except the ocean's conditions might distort it. // After encoding Bottle Content: "Hello%20World%21%20%40%20%23%20%24%20%25%20%5E%20%26%20%2A%20%28%20%29" // Intact and unchanged, reaches the destination as intended.

Each special character recodes into a code, ensuring the ocean gets the message just right.

Deep dive into URL encoding

The %20 vs + conundrum

To code spaces in URL encoding, %20 and + are not created equal. The URL encoding essentials guide is a treasure trove of best practices.

Alternatives: Guava's UrlEscapers

URLEncoder is one fish, but Guava's UrlEscapers is an entire school, handling all sorts of characters and encoding needs.

Test runs for encoding

A good pirate tests his cannon. Test your encoding with Web Platform Tests (urltestdata.json), ensuring you're ahead of the curve.