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Is it possible to apply CSS to half of a character?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Sep 2, 2024

Absolutely yes! To style half a character, you can simply employ the CSS gradients and background-clip properties. This solution uses a gradient to create a transition in the middle of the text, simulating bi-color styling. Try the following code:

.split-color { font-size: 60px; background: linear-gradient(to right, black 50%, red 50%); -webkit-background-clip: text; /* For Safari users, because they matter too */ -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; background-clip: text; color: transparent; }
<span class="split-color">A</span>

And voila, you have a character 'A' with one half black and the other half red!

Expert techniques

Basic gradient style won’t cover all the scenarios. Let's dig into more advanced methods to attain half-styling of characters.

Half-styling with pseudo-elements

CSS pseudo-elements can provide a detailed control, especially when styling characters within a larger text. Check this out:

.half-styled:before { content: attr(data-content); float: left; width: 50%; overflow: hidden; } .half-styled:after { content: attr(data-content); float: right; width: 50%; overflow: hidden; text-align: right; }
<span class="half-styled" data-content="X"></span>

Embrace JavaScript for dynamic content styling

Dynamic content styling needs the touch of JavaScript. You can use the wrapString function to split text into individual characters for segment styling:

function wrapString(text) { return [...text].map(char => `<span class='half-style' data-content='${char}'>${char}</span>`).join(''); }

Add a touch of glitch

Consider adding the vibrant Glitch effect to make your text truly stand out:

@keyframes glitch { 0% { clip: rect(42px, 9999px, 44px, 0); } 20% { clip: rect(8px, 9999px, 36px, 0); } /* P.S.: Spread out these snippets for interactive fun! */ } .glitch { animation: glitch 1s infinite; }

Harness the power of plugins

The open-source HalfStyle and Splitchar plugins provide a compelling way to easily half-styling your characters:

<script src="halfstyle.min.js"></script> <span data-halfstyle="gradient">A</span> <script src="jquery.js"></script> <script src="splitchar.js"></script> <span class="splitchar">A</span>
$(".splitchar").splitchar(); /* Just like saying Abracadabra! */

Prioritizing accessibility

When it comes to text styling, accessibility should be a priority. Certain techniques may disturb text selection and make it unfriendly for screen readers. Thankfully, we have great solutions:

Maintaining readability

Ensure your text effects do not compromise readability:

.styled:hover::before { pointer-events: none; /* So the cursor doesn't think it's a link */ }

Keeping the text formatting consistent

Maintain the original text structure within styled spans:

.half-style { white-space: pre-line; /* Keeping spaces and line breaks as they are */ }

Ensuring compatibility with dynamic content

Ensure style effects are applicable to dynamic content without relying on static images:

document.querySelector('#dynamic-content').innerHTML = wrapString("Dynamic Content");

Pro-tips for effective styling

  1. Enhance branding: Boost your brand identity with creative text styling.
  2. Community Contributions: Participate in open-source projects like HalfStyle to co-create better styling methods.
  3. Showcase innovations: Utilize platforms like JSFiddle to display innovative applications of dynamic text styling.
  4. Advanced CSS: Deep-dive into properties like text-shadow to apply unique effects on character halves.