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Angularjs newline filter with no other html

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Sep 14, 2024

For immediate gris-gris, here's a trusty custom filter. It swiftly morphs newline characters in AngularJS into HTML line breaks. Add this newline filter to your app:

// A custom filter to beat those newline characters into line breaks app.filter('newline', ['$sce', function($sce) { return function(text) { // Now you see a newline, now you... don't? return $sce.trustAsHtml((text || '').replace(/\n/g, '<br/>')); }; }]);

Integrate it within your HTML:

<!-- Presto! Your newline worries are over. --> <div ng-bind-html="yourText | newline"></div>

Remember to replace yourText with the scope variable holding your delicious text string. Just like that, you've preserved text formatting with no additional HTML mess. Clean as a whistle!

CSS White-space Property

Perhaps you desire newline characters but not <br/>. Wrap the solution in the scent of CSS. With the white-space: pre; property, your formatting stays original:

/* Just like my Grandma's recipe, she loved preserves */ .preformatted { white-space: pre; }

Use this class in HTML to keep grandma happy:

<div class="preformatted">{{ yourText }}</div>

Voila! Simplicity itself! Your text remains as you intended!

Escape HTML with filters

HTML safety first! Keep the HTML in check with a sterilizing regex escape filter:

// Grab your hazmat suit! Time to sanitize! app.filter('escapeHtml', function() { var entityMap = { '&': '&amp;', '<': '&lt;', '>': '&gt;', '"': '&quot;', "'": '&#39;', '/': '&#x2F;' }; return function(text) { return String(text).replace(/[&<>"'\/]/g, function (s) { return entityMap[s]; }); } });

Link it up with the newline filter for hand-in-hand security:

<!-- Cleaner than a fresh pair of socks! --> <div ng-bind-html="yourText | escapeHtml | newline"></div>

Preformatted Tags for the Win

(Listen up! This next part's strictly confidential...)

Bypass CSS classes and apply <pre> or <code> tags directly into your HTML to keep the format:

<pre>{{ yourText }}</pre>

For the code chefs among us:

<code>{{ yourText }}</code>

Every Line a New Adventure

Parading multiple lines? Slice, dice and serve up each line with ng-repeat:

<div ng-repeat="line in yourText.split('\n')" ng-bind="line"></div>

Supercharge this with a dash of track by $index for performance power! 💪:

<div ng-repeat="line in yourText.split('\n') track by $index" ng-bind="line"></div>

HTML Binding, Stapled to Safety

Always put safety first with HTML binding. Trust Angular’s $sce service as your guide:

<div ng-bind-html="$sce.trustAsHtml(yourText)"></div>


Let's visualize the prowess of an AngularJS newline filter that preserves text with no other HTML lens:

Let's say we have an input text: "First Line\nSecond Line\nThird Line" You craft this into existence: First Line Second Line Third Line Now apply the **AngularJS newline filter**: 📜✨: First Line Second Line Third Line

Each brillaint \n acts like the Enter button on a typewriter—injecting a new line without the fake lashes. 🎯

Juggling Multiple Format Styles

For dexterous layouts, use white-space: pre-line;. This CSS panacea treats whitespaces like Pedro does his piñata:

.text-with-spacing { white-space: pre-line; }

Dynamic links or resources, you say? String 'em up with <a>:

<a href="{{ dynamicLink }}">Click Here</a>

For penning masterpieces, the <p> tag structures content into winsome blocks:

<p ng-repeat="paragraph in yourText.split('\n\n') track by $index"> {{ paragraph }} </p>

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