How to randomize two ArrayLists in the same fashion?
In one fell swoop, you can uniformly shuffle two List
s: generate a shared seed, then shuffle each list with a newly minted Random object produced by that timeless seed.
Delving deeper: Beyond basics
Mastering the art of randomizing lists with preserved relationships requires more than the basics. Let's dive one level deeper, exploring multiple techniques for why and when we maintain data integrity in the shuffle process.
Coupling related data: Meet encapsulation
Pairing related elements like files with images or players with scores could be simplified by sealing them into a bundle. Here, encapsulation shines:
Applying Fisher-Yates shuffle: Dancing solo
If your jigsaw puzzle is primitive arrays or needing extra control you became best friends with Fisher-Yates shuffle. Just implement this algorithm and you're the DJ of the shuffle party:
Ensuring data sanity post-shuffle: Paranoia or thoroughness?
Post-validation is crucial. Double-checking never hurt anyone, especially in a shuffle:
Welcome Java Records: For Minimalists
Java records, available from Java 16, gives us cleaner and simpler solutions for related items management. Say goodbye to verbose code:
Maps in action: Bigger datasets, wider scopes
Consider using maps for shuffling larger datasets and preserving relationships:
Validating data: Because nobody is perfect
Confirm that shuffle didn't mess up the connections:
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