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How to make HTML table cell editable?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton ShumikhinΒ·Feb 19, 2025

Turn static into dynamic with the contentEditable attribute on your <td> elements:

<td contentEditable="true">Edit me</td>

Quick tip: Switch contentEditable to "true" to enable editing. It's like flipping a switch from read-only to read-write mode in the HTML world. More magic on that later. πŸ˜‰

Ready, set, edit on double-click

Kick-start cell editing with a double-click event:

document.querySelectorAll('td').forEach(td => { td.ondblclick = function() { this.contentEditable = true; // "Touchdown! Edit mode, ACTIVATE!" πŸ‰ }; });

Event handling and change saving

Remember: Changes don't save themselves. Listen for the blur event, it signals when the cell loses focus (Read: User done editing):

td.onblur = function() { this.contentEditable = false; // "Hey AJAX, haul this data back to the server!" πŸš› };

Keeping data in check with validation

Safeguard your app from invalid data like a pro:

td.onblur = function() { if (isValid(this.innerText)) { this.contentEditable = false; // Green light for saving πŸ‘ } else { alert('Invalid input!'); // Red flag 🚩 this.focus(); // Send user back to correct it } };

Define isValid to match your data validation criteria.

Getting fancy with dynamic input

Level up by swapping static text for an <input> field:

td.ondblclick = function() { let input = document.createElement('input'); input.value = this.innerText; // "Hello, fresh shiny input field!" ✨ this.innerHTML = ''; this.appendChild(input); input.focus(); };

Ensure the <input> alignment with the cell, remove it post-editing:

input.onblur = function() { td.innerHTML = this.value; // The swap is complete. Phase out the input! };

Keyboard is the key

To streamline editing, involve the keyboard:

input.onkeydown = function(e) { if (e.key === 'Enter') { // "Phew, done editing." 🎯 // Trigger save and exit edit mode } else if (e.key === 'Escape') { // "Aah! Undo! Undo!" πŸ†˜ // Revert changes and scram } };

Secure your data transmission

Securing your data transmission isn't just good practice, it's business logic:

  • Authenticate with CSRF tokens or API keys.
  • Use HTTPS, because your data is precious.
  • Apply server-side sanitization and validation to block XSS attacks.

Checking browser compatibility

contenteditable is a star of HTML5. Ensure your audience (read: user's browser) can see the show.

Minimizing unnecessary server calls

Don't pester your server with constant updates, integrate a delay mechanism for tempering data save requests.

Keep it simple smarty

Your mantra: Simplicity over complexity

  • Prefer vanilla JavaScript to bloated libraries.
  • Use CSS for visual indicators of edit mode.
  • Automate text selection on entering edit mode.