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How to keep indent for second line in ordered lists via CSS?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Jan 16, 2025

Aligning the second line in ordered lists can be implemented by manipulating CSS properties. Applying list-style-position: inside; to the <ol> element ensures list markers positioning inside. On the <li> element, utilize padding-left to establish an indent, and text-indent with a negative value to perfectly align consecutive lines:

ol { list-style-position: inside; padding-left: 30px; /* Yet another magic number! */ } li { text-indent: -30px; /* The counter magic to padding-left */ }

This CSS recipe ensures multiline list items receive consistent indentation, concocting a clear, organized aesthetic for your content.

Customized list numbering and alignment

Custom numbering with counters

Deliver an extra punch of stylization and uniformity across your lists with CSS counters. The counter-reset and counter-increment properties give you the reins over numbering, ensuring indentation remains unaltered across nested lists:

ol { counter-reset: list-counter; /* Resets the counter */ } li { counter-increment: list-counter; /* Increments the counter */ list-style-type: none; /* Hides the default numbering */ } li:before { content: counter(list-counter) ". "; /* Append the counter before each item */ text-align: right; /* Aligns counter to the right */ margin-right: 5px; /* A bit of breathing space between the counter and list content */ }

Now you are the counter wizard, behold the power!

Right alignment for prolonged consistency

Gain prolonged alignment consistency across your lists, especially dealing with variable number lengths. Apply text-align: right; alongside display: table-cell; to form a stylish look with right-aligned numbering:

li { display: table-cell; /* Trick to obtain a table-cell-like behavior */ text-align: right; /* Aligns content to the right */ padding-right: 10px; /* Prevents numbers sticking to the text */ }

Old is gold: IE8 compatibility

Ensure oldies-but-goldies like IE8 don't feel left out by using the :before pseudo-element. With the addition of list-style: none; on <ol>, the second-line indentation remains consistent on these browsers:

ol { list-style: none; /* Goodbye bullets */ } li:before { content: counter(list-counter) "."; /* Manually insert numbers */ counter-increment: list-counter; /* Counter activation */ /* Further stylization to make IE8 smile */ }

Welcome to the vintage club, stylist!

Advancing with flexbox/grid

Looking to up the ante? Use Flexbox or Grid for aligning list items. These modern layout methods introduce dynamic and responsive list styling:

ol { display: flex; flex-direction: column; /* Stacks list items vertically */ } li { display: flex; /* Prepare for some flexible action */ }

Each list, now a perfectly aligned gymnast!

Power of CSS variables

Round up your stylists and introduce CSS variables, streamlining your list styles:

:root { --indent-size: 30px; /* Create a CSS variable */ } ol { padding-left: var(--indent-size); /* Use the CSS variable */ } li { text-indent: calc(var(--indent-size) * -1); /* Counteract the indents, keep the lines straight */ }

A bit of CSS magic, and your lists are donning a uniform style!

Animated lists

Tease the user interaction with a subtle sprinkle of CSS animation or transition:

li { transition: transform 0.3s ease; /* Ready to make a li move */ } li:hover { transform: translateX(10px); /* A bit of horizontal hover action */ }

Use animations like a pinch of salt, just enough to enhance the flavor.