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How can you customize the numbers in an ordered list?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 22, 2024

Customize ordered list numbers using CSS list-style-type for preset styles, or counter properties for complete customization.

Preset styles (disc, circle, square, decimal, lower-roman, etc.):

ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; /* Going lower-case alphabet */ }

Custom counter:

ol { list-style-type: none; /* Vanish default numbers */ counter-reset: my-counter; /* Initialize a new counter */ } ol li::before { counter-increment: my-counter; /* Increase the counter */ content: '"' counter(my-counter) '". '; /* Present the counter */ }

Results in "1"., "2"., etc.

Advanced customizations: Owning the counters in CSS

CSS counters are your weapon to challenge conventional numbered lists.

Multi-level lists that impress

Create multi-tiered lists, like document outlines:

ol { counter-reset: chapter-counter; /* Plot twist: a new counter reset */ } li::before { counter-increment: chapter-counter; content: counter(chapter-counter) "." /* Leveling up with counters */ counters(section-counter, "."); /* Nested? No problem! */ } li { counter-reset: section-counter; /* Fresh start at every counter reset */ }

Mastering number alignment for clean layout

Tweak padding or margin, ensuring your numbers are symmetrically aligned for a spotless layout:

ol { list-style-type: none; padding-left: 0; } ol li::before { margin-right: 10px; /* The right space at the right place! */ content: counter(item) "."; /* Periods bringing elegance */ } li { margin-left: 20px; /* Complimenting the alignment */ display: block; /* Block display, not a big deal! */ }

Counters showcasing prefixes and suffixes

Explore the power of CSS content property to add suffixes or prefixes to turn numbers into stylish elements:

ol li::before { content: counter(item) "→ "; /* Arrows directing the flow */ }

Custom starting point for lists

HTML5 start attribute resets the starting point of list numeration:

<ol start="10"> <li>Magic begins at ten</li> <li>Welcome to the second floor</li> </ol>

Utilizing HTML5 value attributes

For precision control over list item numbers, value attribute is there:

<ol> <li value="100">Centennial celebration</li> <li>Following hundred</li> </ol>

Cross-browser compatibility

Ensure cross-browser compatibility. Remember, the behavior of CSS counters might slightly vary among different browsers.