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How do I get the SharedPreferences from a PreferenceActivity in Android?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Oct 13, 2024

To fetch SharedPreferences in PreferenceActivity, run:

SharedPreferences prefs = getPreferenceScreen().getSharedPreferences();

Directly call getPreferenceScreen() within your PreferenceActivity, then latch onto getSharedPreferences() on the resulting object. This fetches the SharedPreferences tied to the PreferenceActivity's specific context.

Dive into SharedPreferences

In dealing with SharedPreferences, the following pivotal concepts equip your app to capitalize on Android's framework optimally:

  • Default vs. Named Preferences: PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) yields a SharedPreferences file accessible throughout your app. To reference a unique file through the app's context, choose getSharedPreferences(name, mode).
  • Preference Data Types: Preferences hold primitive data like booleans, floats, ints, longs, and strings. Use respective get methods like getBoolean(KEY, DEFAULT_VALUE).
  • Editor Commit vs. Apply: When altering preferences via an Editor instance, commit() instantly commits changes, while apply() postpones the write operation.
  • Context Handling: Proper context management mitigates memory leaks and context-specific missteps when dealing with SharedPreferences.

Key tips for SharedPreferences schema

Keep activity-specific preferences private

To keep preferences solely within one activity:

SharedPreferences activityPrefs = getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE);

This bounds the preferences to the activity and skips demanding a file name.

Store complex structures wisely

Have complex data structures? Use libraries like TinyDB, wielding SharedPreferences for simplified management.

Create a Single access point

A Singleton or a global context promotes uniform access from different points in your app, reducing roundtrips!

🌍: Global Access Pattern

Here's a Singleton to win the Game:

public class GlobalPreferences { private static GlobalPreferences instance; private SharedPreferences preferences; private GlobalPreferences(Context context) { preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); } public static synchronized GlobalPreferences getInstance(Context context) { if (instance == null) { // Oh no! Singleton missing! Let's build! instance = new GlobalPreferences(context.getApplicationContext()); } return instance; // Here's your hero, at your service! } public SharedPreferences getSharedPreferences() { return preferences; // Handing over the keys of the kingdom! } }

Stay alert to Preference Changes

Doorkeepers are vital in a palace! In your app too! Employ an onSharedPreferenceChangeListener to keep an eye:

prefs.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener((SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, String key) -> { // Hey, we got a change here, lets handle it });

Don't forget to off-board your guards in onDestroy():


Optimize and Prevent Crashes

For mission-critical applications, nurturing a custom uncaught exception handler in the main activity bolsters robustness:

Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler((thread, ex) -> { // Yikes! Unexpected crash! Let's block and investigate! });

Lastly, venture into method tracing to uncover performance bottlenecks lurking behind your SharedPreferences operations.