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How can I pass a parameter to a Java Thread?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Sep 12, 2024

Quick solution: pass a parameter to a Java Thread by creating a custom class implementing the Runnable interface. This class should have a constructor accepting your specific parameter, for usage within the run() method.


public class Task implements Runnable { private String taskMessage; // Our "task-specific" message public Task(String taskMessage) { this.taskMessage= taskMessage; } @Override public void run() { // Have the thread speak the message System.out.println("Message: " + taskMessage); } } // Usage: Thread t = new Thread(new Task("Hello, Thread!")); t.start(); // Voila! Thread goes live with a "Hello"

Going the extra mile with parameters in threads

Dynamic parameter changes

Threads are not just about start-and-go, they might need to change gears on the go. Here's how to implement setter methods to allow for dynamic parameter changes. Remember, thread safety is key, ensure methods are synchronized or use atomic references.

Ensuring parameter visibility

Sharing parameters? Use volatile for visibility! The volatile keyword ensures thread-to-thread visibility for variables, helping keep memory errors at bay.

public class SharedTask implements Runnable { // Our thread-safe shared message private volatile String sharedMessage; public void setSharedMessage(String message) { this.sharedMessage = message; } @Override public void run() { while(!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { if(sharedMessage != null) { // Check if the shared message has something and print it System.out.println("Shared Message: " + sharedMessage); } } } }

Storing parameters for later

Need to pause? Store parameters in Runnable or CachedThreadPool for future execution. Wait a minute, make it 5!

Keep these points in your pocket

Immutable parameters

Dealing with anonymous classes? Make sure parameters are final to preserve integrity. Immutable is trendy!

Early initialization

Use initializer blocks for setting parameters before the thread's execution starts. Remember, the early bird gets the worm!

Tips for smooth parameter exchanges

Thread safety with collections

Sharing parameters? Use thread-safe collections to distribute parameters among threads. Rusty locks are a thing of the past, welcome back LoginPage!

Tackling mutable parameters

Mutable objects are tricky! Ensure synchronization or use immutable versions. Remember, prevention is better, and cheaper, than cure!

Handling numerous threads

Handling a Thread Army? Make Thread Pools and Executors your lieutenants. They are adept at managing hordes of threads and their parameters.