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Case WHEN statement for ORDER BY clause

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Feb 1, 2025

Experience the power of conditional sorting in SQL using a CASE WHEN statement in the ORDER BY clause. It enables dynamic prioritization of rows based on certain conditions:

SELECT name, category, price FROM items ORDER BY CASE category WHEN 'Electronics' THEN 1 -- Electronics: Always stealing the limelight WHEN 'Furniture' THEN 2 -- Furniture: Not first but definitely not last ELSE 3 -- Everyone else: The essence of diversity END, price ASC;

This positions 'Electronics' first, 'Furniture' next, and others last, each sorted by price within their category.

Constructing multi-conditional sorting

Take your CASE WHEN ordering up a notch by handling more intricate sorting scenarios, such as sorting orders by status and within each status by the order date:

SELECT orderId, orderStatus, orderDate FROM orders ORDER BY CASE orderStatus WHEN 'Pending' THEN 1 -- Pending: Just like my diet plans WHEN 'Processing' THEN 2 -- Processing: Good things come to those who wait WHEN 'Complete' THEN 3 -- Complete: The 'done and dusted' squad ELSE 4 -- Everyone else: The wild cards END, orderDate ASC;

Quick tip: Sequencing of conditions is vital, as it determines the final order - place higher priority conditions at the top.

Ascending and descending combo

Harness the power of ASC and DESC within your CASE WHEN for a glorious blend of orderly chaos:

SELECT productId, productName, productCategory, productPrice FROM products ORDER BY CASE productCategory WHEN 'Smartphones' THEN 1 -- Smartphones: Can't live without them, can't live without them... ELSE 2 -- The rest: Still cooler than a flip phone END, CASE WHEN productCategory = 'Smartphones' THEN productPrice END DESC, productName ASC;

This puts 'Smartphones' first, sorted by price descending, followed by other categories sorted by product names ascending.

NULLs and custom order

When dealing with NULLs, you can determine their position during sorting:

SELECT clientId, clientName, lastContactDate FROM clients ORDER BY CASE WHEN lastContactDate IS NULL THEN 0 -- NULLs: The mystery guests ELSE 1 -- Rest: The know-it-alls END, lastContactDate DESC;

By assigning a lower value to NULLs, they debut first. Swap the values for an encore.

Conductor of complex scenarios

For more advanced scenarios, where multiple layers of priority need to be set, think like the music conductor again!

SELECT customerName, dealValue, customerType FROM deals ORDER BY CASE customerType WHEN 'VIP' THEN 1 -- VIPs: Tuxedos and spotlights WHEN 'Preferred' THEN 2 -- Preferred: No one likes being second, but it's better than third! ELSE 3 -- The crowd: Where the real party's at END, CASE WHEN customerType IN ('VIP', 'Preferred') THEN dealValue ELSE NULL END DESC, customerName ASC;

Conducting without faux-pas

A few words of caution while brandishing your CASE WHEN baton:

  • Syntax errors: Getting "Incorrect syntax near 'desc'"? Make sure DESC is chilling outside the CASE.
  • Performance: Especially for large datasets, always put your queries through a performance test. Complex case statements can sometimes take the tempo down a notch.
  • Readability: Don't let the music sheet (your SQL) turn into a spiderweb. Keep your formatting and commenting game strong.

Testing under the spotlight

Running through the rehearsals (test your queries) before the final performance can save a lot of encore embarrassment:

  • Watch out for multiple rows grabbing the top spot.
  • Handle the ambiguous ones who don't win any favor (all conditions evaluate to ELSE).
  • And remember, everyone wants to be unique; handle those tie situations by preparation and a secondary sort order.