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What's the difference between Jetty and Netty?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Jan 2, 2025

When it comes to HTTP-serving, consider using Jetty. It's a lightweight servlet container, a solid choice for straightforward web projects. If you have low-level network programming in your sights, then Netty might be your best bet. It boasts asynchronous, high-throughput, and multiprotocol capabilities.

Quick server setup in Jetty:

Server server = new Server(8080); ServletContextHandler handler = new ServletContextHandler(server, "/"); // Because nobody got time for manual servlet handling! server.start();

Bootstrap server in Netty:

EventLoopGroup group = new NioEventLoopGroup(); ServerBootstrap b = new ServerBootstrap(); b.group(group) .channel(NioServerSocketChannel.class) .childHandler(new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() { @Override public void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) { ch.pipeline().addLast(new SessionHandler()); // Hands off! Netty's got it covered. } }); b.bind(8080).sync().channel().closeFuture().sync(); group.shutdownGracefully(); // Give it a round of applause folks. Our Netty server has left the building!

In essence, Jetty is your go-to for web apps and HTTP, while Netty excels in custom network tasks and protocols.

Jetty is a choice tool for HTTP-focused applications, serving as a compliant servlet container. Conversely, for custom protocol implementation, real-time applications, or event-driven networking, you'd likely benefit from using Netty.

The nitty-gritty of Jetty and Netty

Handling IO operations

Both Jetty and Netty support non-blocking IO capabilities. However, Netty's wholehearted devotion to a non-blocking, event-driven approach triumphs when handling simultaneous connections with minimal overhead.

Adjusting to your needs

Netty's extensible pipeline and handler architecture opens doors to fine-tuned network applications, from simple file servers to complex multiplayer game servers. Jetty primarily stands out with embedded web serving, a boon for standalone applications that serve HTTP requests.

Performance benchmarks

From a performance perspective, Netty's event-driven ethos leads to efficient resource usage resulting in faster response times. This is particularly true in high-load scenarios, where both performance and scalability are pivotal.

Choose your strategy: Jetty or Netty

Jetty for the win

  • Web Applications: Dealing with standard web applications? Consider it done with Jetty.
  • Servlets and JSPs: Jetty's got you covered.
  • Simple Deployment: Need to deploy WAR files? Jetty makes it a breeze.
  • Embedded HTTP Server: Jetty is your friend for embedding HTTP servers, simplifying microservice development.

Know when to Netty

  • Network Servers/Clients: Netty is the champion for high-performance network servers/clients.
  • Protocol Implementation: Netty gives you the flexibility for custom protocol implementation.
  • Non-blocking Communication: When asynchronous communication is critical, Netty stands tall.
  • Lightweight Option: Looking for a lean network framework? Netty is your lightweight friend.

Decision guidance and tips

  • Logging verbosity: For detailed logging to diagnose complex network issues, enjoy Netty's fine-grained output. Jetty, with its more standardized logging, facilitates everyday troubleshooting.
  • Framework Familiarity: The learning curve, familiarity, and proficiency of your team with either framework may guide your choice.
  • Community support: Don't forget to tap into the power of community, whether it's issue resolution, feature exploration or use-case examples.