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What is Java Servlet?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Oct 6, 2024

A Java Servlet is a Java class that responds to network requests, typically HTTP ones. By defining methods such as doGet() for GET and doPost() for POST requests inside a Servlet container, it is able to provide server-side functionality. The Servlet persists data across requests, thanks to HTTP sessions.


public class HelloWorldServlet extends HttpServlet { protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { // Joke's on you, Servlet, you're just a glorified messenger! resp.getWriter().print("Hello, World"); } }

The Avatar: Servlet Container

The Servlet Container (e.g., Apache Tomcat) manages the underrun and the uppercut of the servlets. Think of it as a babysitter that does a lot: providing network services, ensuring lifecycle management, juggling with concurrency, and more. The container abstracts complexities of thread management, socket programming, and HTTP specifics so that the developers have a smooth journey.

Lifecycle: Birth, Life, and Afterlife of Servlets

A Servlet, during its run, parties at three main phases: init(), service(), and destroy():

  • init(): Just like a hatchling breaking out of its shell, the servlet is initialized and ready for action.
  • service(): The main bash! The servlet handles incoming requests and whips up suitable responses. Here's when doGet() and doPost() get their groove on.
  • destroy(): Time to wrap up. The servlet is terminated on a good note, ensuring any cleaning and packing are well-done.

PHP/ASP Looked Cool Until Servlets Arrived

Unlike PHP and ASP which are limited to responding to network requests, servlets go an extra mile. They leverage the strength of object-oriented programming to extend the capabilities of the web server, opening the Pandora's box of reusability and seamless integration with the extensive Java library.

Configuration and Management: Sorting Things Out

Servlets have their home address and settings locked in web.xml file or via annotations. These settings marry URL patterns to servlet classes enabling your web requests to land at the perfect doorstep. Meanwhile, the web container is busy keeping an eye on the lifecycle of servlet instances and directing incoming requests accordingly.

The Depth of Knowledge is an Ocean

Deepening your understanding of Servlet API, and understanding the nitty-gritty of servlets, like thread safety, session management, and resource handling can seriously up your game in server-side development.

The Puppeteer: Java Frameworks

Java frameworks, such as Struts or Spring, pull the strings of servlets underneath the abstract play they perform. Therefore, knowing servlets allows you to see through the magic tricks these frameworks are performing for you.

Servlets Running the Multithreading Olympics

Servlets, each operating on their unique thread offered by the container, allow handling of multiple requests concurrently. This multithreading enhances the scalability of applications, allowing your servlets to effectively manage an army of requests.

Learning Resources: Equip Your Arsenal

Official docs and specs are the go-to. However, this YouTube series could be your Gandalf guiding you through the journey of learning and understanding servlets.

How Enterprise Does The Thing: Servlets Spinning the Web

With servlets so deeply sewn into Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE), getting a grip on servlets' classloading hierarchy and JNDI resources empowers you to effectively handle complex applications for a properly structured enterprise-level arena.

Servlets: The Web Security Watchdogs

Security, a non-negotiable aspect of any web-related task, falls well within the capabilities of servlets. From implementing seamless HTTPS, securing sessions, managing authentication, servlets got you covered.

Supercharged Servlets: For Better Performance and Optimization

Employ servlet's power to cache contents and utilize asynchronous processing to take your application's performance to the new heights. Profiling servlets to keep an eye on their behavior enables you to trim off any inefficiencies and permits optimized resource use.

Debugging and Testing: It's Not You, It's The Bug

Logging frameworks, testing utilities like JUnit and Mockito, and other servlet-centric testing tools can simplify and expedite your debugging and overall development process.