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Update multiple rows with different values in one query in MySQL

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 13, 2024

Incorporate the CASE statement into the UPDATE query to modify multiple rows with unique values in just one shot.

UPDATE your_table SET your_column = CASE id WHEN 1 THEN 'valueA' -- when life gives you 1, make it 'valueA' WHEN 2 THEN 'valueB' -- 2's company, so make it 'valueB' WHEN 3 THEN 'valueC' -- 3's a crowd, but 'valueC' keeps it cool ELSE your_column -- or just stay as you were, no hard feelings END WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3);

This method hones in on rows by their unique id, assigns new values accordingly, leaving the other rows untouched due to the protective ELSE clause. Customize your_table, your_column, id, and 'valueX' to your specific needs.

Getting savvy with CASE in UPDATE

Setting up complex conditions

If you're dealing with convoluted scenarios, combine CASE with additional clauses to refine your updates:

UPDATE your_table SET your_column = CASE WHEN condition1 THEN 'valueA' -- condition1, 'valueA', sitting in a tree WHEN condition2 THEN 'valueB' -- condition2, 'valueB', as happy as can be ELSE your_column -- don't swing if the pitch ain't right END WHERE another_condition; -- add some spice to filter your life

Ensure that your conditions specifically target the correct rows to protect data integrity and adhere to your established business logic.

Pairing JOIN with case statement

To update based on data in another table, implement a JOIN:

UPDATE your_table JOIN other_table ON your_table.foreign_key = other_table.primary_key SET your_table.your_column = CASE WHEN other_table.condition THEN 'new_value' -- seek and you shall find 'new_value' ELSE your_table.your_column -- in case of lack of match, break ELSE END WHERE your_table.condition; -- another layer of exclusive clubbing

Temporary tables – a doorway to complicated updates

Create a temporary table if you're dealing with complex logic scenarios, then JOIN it during the update:

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_table AS SELECT id, new_value FROM calculation; -- enlisting for the operation UPDATE your_table JOIN temp_table ON your_table.id = temp_table.id SET your_table.your_column = temp_table.new_value; -- mission accomplished DROP TEMPORARY TABLE temp_table; -- clean after yourself, pack out what you pack in

Exploiting alternative methods for slick updates


When juggling with upserts (update or insert), consider this approach:

INSERT INTO your_table (id, your_column) VALUES (1, 'valueA'), -- if 1 ain't there, bring 'valueA' to the party (2, 'valueB'), -- if 2 is missing, 'valueB' will fill the void (3, 'valueC') -- 'valueC' is an ace up your sleeve for missing 3 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE your_column = VALUES(your_column); -- in case of déjà vu, let's get an update

Handling dates like a pro

Use native date types to store your dates, allowing for accurate comparison and storage:

UPDATE your_table SET date_column = CASE WHEN id=1 THEN '2023-01-01' -- id 1 loves a great start to the year WHEN id=2 THEN '2023-02-01' -- id 2 goes for the month of love END WHERE id IN (1,2);

Nuanced considerations for updating with non-unique keys

Maintain alertness when dealing with non-unique keys to avoid unexpected updates. The key column used in the WHERE clause should uniquely identify rows.

Striving for readability and maintainability

Exert effort to maintain readability and maintainability regardless of the complexity of updates. Comments, aliases, and formatting can enhance clarity.

Prioritizing performance

In case of large datasets, optimize your statements. Inefficient queries may burden your DB. Always evaluate the performance impact before and after optimizations.