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Sql Server: IF EXISTS ; ELSE

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Aug 18, 2024

Let's jump right in with the standard IF EXISTS structure paired with ELSE:

IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM Table WHERE Condition) UPDATE Table SET Column = 'NewValue' WHERE Condition ELSE INSERT INTO Table (Column) VALUES ('NewValue')

Here, if a row satisfying the Condition exists in your Table, the Column gets updated to NewValue. If not, a new row carrying NewValue is inserted.

Enhancing performance with set-based updates

Running IF EXISTS statements row by row can be a performance predator 🦖. Let's use a set-based approach for update operations, which is like turning the traffic lights green all at once. 🚀 Use a LEFT JOIN nibbled together with ISNULL to do the job:

UPDATE b SET b.Column = ISNULL(a.MaxValue, '123') -- '123' steps in as a stunt double when MaxValue vanishes. FROM TableB b LEFT JOIN ( SELECT ID, MAX(SomeValue) MaxValue FROM TableA GROUP BY ID ) a ON b.ID = a.ID

Offering granularity with CASE

For those who like their updates like fine Swiss Watches ⌚ (meticulously controlled), adding the CASE statement can let you dictate values based on conditions:

UPDATE TableB SET Value = CASE WHEN a.ID IS NOT NULL THEN a.MaxValue -- "Value, meet MaxValue!" ELSE '123' -- When ID is moonwalking backward in TableA, '123' saves the day END FROM TableB b LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT ID, MAX(SomeValue) AS MaxValue FROM TableA GROUP BY ID ) a ON b.ID = a.ID

Achieving more efficiency-cum-flexibility with COALESCE

For photo-finish-like results where efficiency and flexibility go hands in hands, COALESCE steps in. It's like a restaurant delivering the first available non-null dish from their menu 🥗:

UPDATE TableB SET Value = COALESCE(a.MaxValue, '123') -- Agent '123', reporting for duty in absence of MaxValue! FROM TableB b LEFT JOIN ( SELECT ID, MAX(SomeValue) AS MaxValue FROM TableA GROUP BY ID ) a ON b.ID = a.ID

Harnessing all the corner cases

Always remember to leave no stone unturned. Make sure your IF EXISTS statement caters to all the potential wanderers in your data land:

  • When ID throws a party in TableA, get the maximum value from the party
  • When ID plays hide-n-seek and can't be found in TableA, recruit the trusty '123' to TableB